I started a new job about a week ago in an R&D software house which is a completely different world from what I am used to.

I worked as a coder in small teams, sometimes with Agile but always sunk in multiple projects at once - requiring constant switching of sprint goals week to week.

Now, I am alone (first person in a "maybe-in-the-future" team), doing research and preparing a demo for the client. It's hella lot of responsibility yet I found it weirdly liberating - being on my own, in control of what I do.

It may change in the future when project will inevitebly grow, but for right now, a week in, I started smiling while coding and learning, which I apparently haven't done in years.

  • 1
    To be honest, doing something like that takes a lot of talent in my opinion. Many developers are good at taking directions, but suffer when they’re expected to think for themselves. So kudos to you and good luck!
  • 1
    "I started smiling while coding and learning..."

    Yep, you started because you just started.

    Don't worry, time will fix your issue.
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