Fucking Windows sporadically gets into an endless loop of playing the sound of a USB device plugged in and out. It requires one or two reboots to fix it. I’ve tried everything, nothing else helps.

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    It forgot sounds on when watching machine porn
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    Sounds like you have a loose pcim card or you have hardware going bad.

    Check all your hardware connections and try to remove some of it.
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    @sariel doesn't it make that sound when you create a virtual device? Could be driver fault too?
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    @sariel Did that already
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    @netikras that's a good point.

    It could also be malware trying to mount a virtual device to run packaged code as well. It's one way to get around the windows scans before the payload is delivered.
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    @sariel I *think* this sound is played when a PnP device is plugged in. I see no reason it couldn't be some virtual pnp device.. Or some actual pnp dev got a driver update [with windows updates] and is now running in circles. Or there is an actual hw fault, like some loose usb connection and moving its wire makes it sporadicaly dis-/connect.

    Need to monitor the devices' list at DevicesAndServices to find the culprit.
  • 1
    Welcome to hell.

    Although I would take the noise over actually reconnecting devices for no good reason.

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    What I’ve tried:

    Plugging all usb devices into other, previously unused usb slots.

    When the loop starts, unplugging all usb devices. The loop doesn’t stop.
  • 2
    Can you see anything relevant in the event viewer? https://tenforums.com/drivers-hardw...
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    @rEaL-jAsE nope. See things that I’ve tried.
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