I’m excited because VM based languages such as Java are no longer in their prime on desktop and server and languages which compile directly to machine code (Go, Rust, Swift…) are finding a broader audience

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    I love how you just silently shoved swift into the list.
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    JavaScript though
    Python too
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    @lbfalvy as a web dev I hope to see JS replaced by a widespread use of WASM as soon as possible (and maybe more canvas/WebGL based UI frameworks since the DOM was made for displaying documents and it’s becoming a bottleneck in many web apps)
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    Swift is still primarily attached just to Apple regardless of it being open sourced, no one is really using it to build anything major on the desktop or server. Java is still being used heavily on the server, not so much on desktop, Go is primarily being used for server side and Rust is amazing but I have it seen as a transitional tool for ---certain--- applications that used to run on c++, and only certain limited components.

    I don't know if there is hate towards Java and the JVM from your part, but I still see it holding hardcore to where it is at towards the day that my great great grandchildren start coding.

    And WASM is not a detachment completely from Javascript as it stands
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    C#/F# using DotNet Core also seem to gain traction now that Microsoft is polishing the runtime and improves the standard library to be less Windows-oriented.

    I don't think, that OCaml will ever become a mainstream language. But F# actually has a chance.
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    @DEVil666 WASM is not meant to replace JS (sadly), and it can be used on servers too, which I find more exciting because it means more security if you use a memory safe language
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    @AleCx04 I don’t hate Java as a language, I hate the fact which it cannot run with acceptable performance outside of its JVM.
    The JVM abstraction in my opinion made sense in the 90s when we had a lot of operating systems and architectures but since now almost everything in the server world is standardising towards Unix-like (mainly Linux) operating systems and amd64/arm64 hardware I see the JVM as a waste of resources, especially in the age of Docker in which every application needs his own JVM and you cannot share a single runtime for multiple applications as you did with servlet containers in 2000s
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    @CeladonCookie In my opinion Python is a nice language in some contexts but it’s crazy to use it to build huge projects for both: performance and developer productivity (good luck debugging tangles untyped Python)
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    @Oktokolo F# is a nice language, maybe the best enterprise language I’ve ever seen
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    @elmediator Yes, currently it cannot replace it but given the current trends I wouldn’t be surprised if in 5 year it becomes a viable alternative
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    Python isn't VM-based - although (like every language) it can be transpiled into a VM-based language.
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    @DEVil666 ok I feel you, fair enough. On another note, how invested are you in Go? I use it a lot, it actually replaced my use for Python for "scripting" even though I have used it for larger apps. Have you seen ho it handles generic types as of version 1.18?
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