Why is the "leave building"command now working?!?!?! Are you sure it's a Git command?? .... Oh shit.

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    `git push --force-with-lease`
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    Hmm, bit sure about the -f. In most cases it's better to let it burn ...
  • 8
    I got a t-shirt with the same joke, however the last point is:
    "3. git out"
    I think it's much funnier :)
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    3. Use the exit command
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    alias "leave building"="logout"
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    How about just take the laptop out with you instead of all that typing and letting it burn.
    Then you can continue to work peacefully from some other place with ☕

    Although it does sound cooler to let it 🔥
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    @bioDan some of us use desktop PC's
  • 6
    @dsteiner I used to carry many pc's to LAN parties in the 90's 😎

    Just take the box and let the mouse, screen, keyboard and rubber duck 🔥 😈

    On second thought.. Git commit and take the rubber duck. Ask for a new PC later.
  • 5
    git -tf out
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    @Jeeter alias fire="git commit -m fire; git push; logout"
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    @bioDan well the git server is in the same house so I can just ignore that git commit and sums get out.
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    Oh shit my internet just stopped working , wait for 5 hours
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    "Oh, 4!!! I mean 5!! I mean FIRE!!!"
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    Make a programm called "leave" with command "building" and than use it to execute stuff like git commit and push. Much more user friendly than this complicated sign.
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