
Ay, I'm kinda new here but i have to say everyone is very friendly here. ☺

For the riot: i love PHP

  • 1
    I'm still a beginner when it comes to PHP, but i like it so far !
  • 17
    I hear the sharpening of pitch forks...
  • 1

    ... 😄
  • 0
    Pitch forkes. How old, we are throwing old computers on you.
  • 3
    Loving PHP too :P Sure there's a lot of old stuff in the language, but since PHP 5.3 it's a propper language and lince PHP 7 absolutely killing it (at least if you do web related stuff)
  • 2
    Why did you have to ruin everything with php ?

    Kidding, I'm a PHP developer too. Lovely language. Still much to improve :)
  • 0
    Also a PHP developer here. Welcome!
  • 2
    Not a fan of PHP (that's an understatement, I absolutely wholeheartedly hate it), but: welcome to devRant :)
  • 1
    http client with file_get_contents($url) is my favorite feature of php
  • 0
    I hate php. I rather learned how to use Java servlets. :) Imo they are more handy and readable than php code.
  • 0
    PHP has some quirks, but write it in the right style using the right tools and it can be a very productive language.

    I love writing things in Haskell, Go, Rust or Python... But wouldn't base a new web startup on any of those.

    Whether a language is good depends not only on syntax and consistency... How fast you can adjust to changing customer demands, how long you have to look to find experienced devs, how rich the ecosystem of packages is, how easy it is to find documentation, and how mature important packages are... that's also important.
  • 0
    PHP encourages bad code which actually makes it good for great developers and awful for good developers. But I definitely don't mind it.
  • 1
    @Mvzes It doesn't encourage bad code at all, what nonsense.

    It's problem is in how approachable it is as a language.

    Only developers are responsible for shit code.
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