I love my Mac but damn, most MacOS releases are so damn useless, I won't do a major OS overhaul (updating from Big Sur to Montrey) just to get Share Play and the opportunity to watch movies together with my few Mac using friends, I don't need those fucking marketing driven bells and whistles, just give me a stable UNIX base an efficient and good looking UI and regular security patches and I'm good.

I would be happy to keep using Mavericks but without yearly MacOS release how Apple would be able to convince normies to replace their 10 years old MacBooks?

  • 4

    Hey DEVil66, I hear your getting fed up with your OS. Wanna try some Linux, first hit is free man.
  • 1
    @adhdeveloper I love Linux, especially Alpine… but the customer’s VPNs (which I need to connect in order to keep doing my job) didn’t have the same opinion 😢 why enterprise can’t just use OpenVPN or Wireguard instead of paying premium for a clunky proprietary solution? 🤬
  • 2
    Agree. Still better than useless and pointless Windows updates (at best fixing security holes that shouldn‘t be there in the first place)
  • 1
    @Lensflare Sure, I fully agree on that
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