I was just browsing some programming subreddits and reading a few tech articles and I literally got depressed from the state of this industry. Too late to become a barista?

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    I strongly believe that there are sane developers and programmers out there and there is still hope.

    For Product, the game is rigged. It's over and nothing can save this profile.

    NSFL warning: avoid reading product articles on Medium or shitty thought leaders on Twitter.
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    Wait, just reading IT news wasn't enough to ground your expectations?! You really had to search for more proof?!
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    I transitioned from non-tech to tech.

    Often I wonder if I made the right decision.

    The shiny things I heard from outside of tech world are not always true :/
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    my friend is a barista, he works from 8 am to 7 pm, took several courses and earns very little. he loves the job, but it's not an easy career
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    In my opinion the problem is over information.

    I started roughly 3-4 years ago to strictly separate my workflows.

    I use e.g. Githubs API with an RSS / Atom Akregator to get version updates for all software that needs to be maintained.

    Complete blessing to not surf total overloaded craptastic sites trying to sell you shit so you have some extra work to do.

    Then I organized my bookmarks...

    Relevant API / design information sorted and searchable available in the browser.

    I started a small GIT repository and (mis-)use GIT as a note collection with markup.

    I looked long for possible simple solutions but nothing felt "basic" and stupid enough, so the GIT repository solemnly exists for history, rest is a simple folder hierarchy with MD files. As markup is easily searchable, grep / ag do the rest.

    Last I reduced the time reading news - global / regional news depending on mood once or twice a week, planets of e.g. MariaDB / MySQL / KDE... When I feel like it. Planets to not get Ad bombed.

    Now I rarely use Google to find stuff as it's mostly available, and if I Google stuff, then I stay away from ShitOverflow and other bullshit bingo sites.

    It helped a lot... Especially since the panic many people seem to have stems very likely from the problem of digesting more information than they can handle.

    It made my life much better.
  • 1
    Not too late. I recommend. Mostly because it changes your mind. Just remember, you'll be dealing with ✨people✨💩.

    I do love making coffee tho. It's a pleasure.
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