Fuck this shit

I’m interning at this place and the code is ALL OVER THE PLACE. I have to rewrite every damn function and the code base is so obfuscated and stupid on multiple levels. I’m sick of this shit and literally every damn thing needs to be rewritten from scratch

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    I feel you. Same happened to me during my last internship. The code was extremely hacky, poorly documented, and insanely inefficient. It's so bad to the extent that I was wondering how could such thing exists. And guess what, the mf who wrote the code wasn't there anymore. No one knew how it worked.They have this it-works-then-it-works mentality. I contacted the previous dev and asked him out for a coffee so he could explain the code to me. And guess what again, even he himself didn't remember how it works and what does what. At this point I was like FML. The company bumped the sever to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS from 14.04 LTS and the whole shit broke. They were like oh f. At the end I gave up understanding how it works but instead asked for what it does then rewrote the whole thing. It was insane.
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