
Urgh, fucking excel!
Why the fuck can't you handle a few thousand calculations you dumb ass piece of shit.

I am this close to... fuck, it crashed. 🤦‍♂️

I fucking give up.
Time to strap this data to a DB instead.

  • 8
    don't forget... excel isn't meant to do any calculation _of value_.

    excel only exists to keep dumb, non-technical people _away_ from databases.
  • 5
    Hmm. Still a better love story than Twilight.
  • 2
    @tosensei true that, but apparently multiple vlookups with 10k records is beyond expectations in 2022 🤦‍♂️

    The lookup data set is only 300 records but this be life.
  • 0
    That's the gist
  • 0
    I found that reading the entire sheet or number range into an array in VBA and doing the calculations in memory is actually acceptable in terms of speed.

    Don't use cell formulas in VBA though... that is slow as hell (manually implement the functions in raw VBA).

    Don't forget to paste back the array into the sheet when you are done :-)
  • 0
    @tosensei tend to disagree.

    Excel is pretty good at it...

    @C0D4 interesting. Styled cells or stuff like that? If it's just calculation, I did worse.

    Way worse. XD
  • 0
    I can make that into sugar and spice and everything nice, with a bit of python, or Jupyter notebook, if you like. 😜
    #GodBlessPandas 🐼
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