
Do any of you people use SublimeText? Or is it dead πŸ€”πŸ’­

  • 4
    I literally installed it the other day and it felt so fucking nostalgic and cozy but I'm definitily not going to pay money for it.

    And to edit files i'm still sticking to vim or VSCODE.
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    I like it bc it’s simple and clean
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    I wish SublimeText supported proper 144hz; it scrolls at 60hz on my system 🌧️
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    I use it as a basic editor for files because it opens fast, but, yes, mostly VS Code for programming.
  • 1
    I used TextMate, then Sublime, then both died.
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    Used to use it before I started coding professionally (because I had to use a really shitty PC back then and Sublime actually ran pretty smoothly on that). I give it that, it's fast and efficient as hell (i.e. you can open a file several gigabytes and edit it with no issues), but I rarely need that, plus I'm rather deep into VSCode's ecosystem already.
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    I remember I used to vouch for Sublime over ANYTHING, many years ago.

    But then I learned vim.
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    @dder I use vim quite a bit for work if I'm in a VM with no desktop.
  • 3
    Dead to me
  • 1
    No, I use Teletype
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