
Elon Musk wanted to win the dick of the week title by forcing his employees work from office. In that post almost all the c-suit guys "I wanna be a dick too. At least once in my life before death"

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    Wasn't it directed toward execs, many of which were working in different states vs their responsibilities? It seems to me if they are making that kind of money you do whatever the boss says. It is not unreasonable to require a manager to be onsite.
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    @Demolishun depends really.. I think in an automotive industry there must be some work that still needs human touch.. Still someone forcing me to do something because he pays a few quid to me end of the month, doesn't sit well on me..
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    He said that everyone must work at least 40 hours per week before they can work _additional_ hours at work if I got it correctly.

    So in a nutshell: Work yourself to death please, half at work office, half at home.

    80 hours per week shall be sufficient
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    Isnt it like that the dont even have the office space to accomodate everyone they currently have on remote?
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    Dick of the week huh? I didn't notice he has one.
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    I don't think working from an office is unreasonable unless it's a closet
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    @johnmelodyme don't really like him either
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    @johnmelodyme rarely a fan of rich people anyway these days they just strike me as ordinary scum with more cash to be scum with and larger egos
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    @AvatarOfKaine scums with money.. or the monopoly man.
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    @johnmelodyme what turned me off about him though is when he was younger talking about ai in terms of artificial life which is wayyyy different

    You know dalle-e is just an idea which could be used to KIND of mimic our flawed imaginations.

    But that's just ONE PIECE

    He acted like people were building sky net instead of image categorizers
    Which kind of made me wonder in the way he spoke
    Of Tesla
    A huge technology company
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    @AvatarOfKaine and he misinterpreted what the AI actually is. He confused about robotic and AI.
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    @johnmelodyme speaking of ai I feel I've been missing out on some serious research
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    @johnmelodyme not even just robotic as a robot can just be an arm that does arc welds on the same style of pipe over and over

    He suggested greater powers than would make sense for example or motivations of living creatures
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    @johnmelodyme ps you can tell a store traffic's in abuse if it sells soco and that awful cinnamon whiskey but nothing else !/
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    @johnmelodyme btw dates are too delicious
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    @johnmelodyme least I'll be very regular shortly lol
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    @AvatarOfKaine dates with honey?
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    @johnmelodyme nope just subsweet brand pitted dates... God I can't imagine eating them with honey they already taste like a mouth full of syrup ! Lol
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    @johnmelodyme try to get dall-e to generate sexual images, it makes weird things !
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    @AvatarOfKaine erm ..... About that..... I already did 😁
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    @johnmelodyme you know its funny it makes people all distorted but enter 'van gogh painting of a groundhog eating a creamcicle'

    what kind of searches did you do ?

    I did drow elf orgy

    drow elf sex in the back of a car

    photo of drow elf sex in the back of a car

    and its amazing how one word difference creates results.

    it looks like its texturing existing images that have been converted to rough wireframe models which distorts the shit out of it.
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    @johnmelodyme this was a letdown however
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    @AvatarOfKaine the one in the corner looks like a monkey
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    now THAT is some apocalyptic terminator shit right there ! lmao

    musk was right we're doomed LOL
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    @johnmelodyme what the lower left ? did you see the wolf cat hybrid in the other repeat ? I feel like they are caching these to preserve processing power till so many new searches are reached :P

    I could probably script something to bang the hell out of the model and extract thousands of images :P
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    @johnmelodyme I don't understand how it must be parsing the input string.
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    @AvatarOfKaine the lower right looks like a distorted raccoon. 😁😁😁😂😂
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    @johnmelodyme still less wasteful than mining bitcoin !

    and then there is that guy from hannibal.
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    @johnmelodyme hehe see the center one, its just hovering :P lol
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    @johnmelodyme yeah it mutates him for some reason lol looks like something out of lord of illusions lol
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    @johnmelodyme or a melted waxworks museum
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    @AvatarOfKaine or X-Men future
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    @johnmelodyme I never actually saw that movie. this one is just creepy. the UL especially lol
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    @AvatarOfKaine wait what the ...
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    @johnmelodyme yeah there are some failures. this is why i wonder.
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    @johnmelodyme if i had all the processing power in the world and knew my model worked i'd have trained this on every video and image that I knew to be tagged that i could find.
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    @johnmelodyme maybe if they had a list of things the model learned i wouldn't get a victorian person standing in a garden when i say 'sophie dee weeding a garden'

    which is strange because it knows porn enough to create sexually suggestive images.
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    @johnmelodyme an interesting thought is this does need checked by a human because how it combines things is soooo fuzzy
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    @johnmelodyme like look at this versus..
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    @johnmelodyme this.

    much much closer this one.
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