Small signs of the growing dystopia:


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    I saw this guy walking down the street.
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    No its valid.

    If we’re coworkers that talk on a daily basis dont start with that shit.

    Literally just be like “So ive got xyz and ik you have experience blah blah” and any normal grown ass adult will answer and not get their panties wadded and sand in their vagina bc you aint say hi.
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    Read it again please, and slowly.
    Are you American?
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    Let's change the problem a little bit. It's the time between the start of the convo and the actual question, that drives people mad apparently. I for my part will still say "Hi, <name>"
    but i also immediately will ask my question, no matter if the person has seen it or not.

    And to be completely honest, that's what i assumed everyone does.
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    I have worked with many people who need to read that link.

    They send a message "Hi", I switch over to the chat app within a few seconds and i'm left staring at:

    xxxxx is typing ...

    For a long time, I eventually go back to reading/writing whatever I was and then I get cut off again with a second message, which is only 20% of the full message they want to send.

    It is the bare minimum of respect to your colleagues to not not waste their time, and compose the full message you want to send, and then click enter. Sending people multiple distracting notifications for a single point, and then leaving them waiting in-between is extremely rude
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    @practiseSafeHex unpopular opinion, but there's a reason why 'Do not Disturb' exists in almost every communications app nowadays. If you're busy, set yourself on DnD.
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    @thebiochemic I’m always busy for your pathetic excuse of existence. But also it is the job to answer questions from colleagues so ask it asap and leave please.
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    @thebiochemic it is an unpopular opinion because the other option is to not be an asshole

    I’m a dev, I write code all day long, I’m busy from the beginning of the day until the end. I keep myself off do not disturb so that I can help someone who needs it. I ask in return, don’t waste my time. Fair offer
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    That URL is my Teams status
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    But almost nobody fucking reads it... And the ones that do message me asking "what is this?"
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    Actually, it is a sign of not being in a dystopia yet. People still act like they are in a synchronous social environment where you greet and get a greet back, do some smalltalk and eventually move on to the job-related stuff before getting back to some smalltalk.

    That behaviour still works fine when meeting someone in the cafeteria or in the elevator and it is called socializing. But in a highly asynchronous setting, where any message is bound to be an interruption for the receiver, sending as few messages as possible is the way to go.

    So just send the greetings (and maybe a limited amount of smalltalk) together with the actual content. Also try to do your own research first and collect content for a while before sending the whole chunk to minimize interruptions on the receiver side. Well-formatted plaintext Emails work pretty good with this strategy.
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    @practiseSafeHex i dont see it as being an asshole, if all you want is to code in peace, and not wait for peoples responses all the time.

    But i guess it goes both ways. Either you keep your stuff quick and simple, that you ask, without any decoration, or as the other side, you set yourself on DnD.

    Where i work i usually am on DnD and just answer stuff in the morning, at the end of the day, or before i do lunch break or stuff. And most of the other devs have the app even closed or on DnD as well. Because as you said, devs are busy.
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