Software engineers living in the UK πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

Do you sometimes wish to migrate to the USA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ ?

  • 22
    I'm not British but why would anyone *want* to live in the united states?
  • 10
    I kinda prefer having healthcare. YMMV
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    @LotsOfCaffeine No@theKarlisK
    Not at all, it was just a thought…

    I see many US based SE jobs with much higher pay. That’s why
  • 14
    Why would i voluntarily live in a 3rd world country?
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    I am a software engineer in Malaysia. Planning to migrate to UK instead. But why USA?
  • 1
    @thebiochemic yo bro πŸ˜‚
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    @LotsOfCaffeine absurdly high salaries is the only reason. If you can get them. I saved cash for 2 years but living there was too shitty so I noped the fuck out earlier than expected.
  • 2
    @ars1 Was it just the part you lived in that was shitty or every where?
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    @gymnasium higher pay doesn't mean more quality of life.
  • 3
    I don’t know if you experience the same in the UK (I’ve only lived/worked in USA), but a lot of times in the USA, that “much” higher salary comes at a personal cost to you. The more they pay, the more of your time they will expect and the more you will be expected to donate your personal time (weekends, nights, holidays). It’s not always like that, but I’ve had a lot of friends and colleagues leave for more money only to find their bank accounts are bigger but their free time is stolen from them. Some don’t care, but that’s not me. It’s a personal choice.
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    @KDSBest absolutely agree πŸ’―
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    That was asked recently. It went as you'd expect :D

  • 2
    Planning to move to the US from London. To Austin.
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    @gymnasium I've lived in Texas and California, hated both. I've traveled to around 10 other states as well. Nature is awesome and worth a visit, but fuck living there.
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    @theKarlisK what’s tax like in the UK?
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    @Zer0day what’s the major factor for this if you don’t mind sharing
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    @gymnasium Corporate tax.
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    @theKarlisK I owe you a lollipop. That is pretty much why I am heading to the US soon.
  • 1
    I think people misunderstand a bit. Taxes and healthcare really shouldn't be something that scares you away. The fact that public safety is a total shit show in many major cities is a much better reason to be concerned. That doesn't mean it's particularly dangerous anywhere else, though.

    If the politics get you down, just remember the US is a big place and it's not like everyone is one way or the other everywhere. And like anywhere else, just because the media makes a big deal about it doesn't mean most people are that fanatical.
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