After 10 fucking wasted hours Im still up trying to figure out how to configure the motherfucking IDE to debug the fucking hideous PHP shit fuck code. Fuck PHP right in the ass.

  • 3
    Nice first rant, welcome!

    One hint: the "devrant" tag is for stuff about devRant itself. There is no "developer rant" because there are only devs here, so that's just "rant". Using the tags allows category filtering.
  • 4
    First time? 😂
  • 0
    @C0D4 Yeah. I come from a C/Go background 🥲 this is like going back in time.
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    Thoughts and prayers.
  • 2
    10 hours is too much. At some point you just gotta make do with print_r and exit.
  • 1
    Don't? Most IDE integrations that don't work out of the box are fucking garbage.

    The only exceptions are IDEs that were designed for that specific language, looking at you IntelliJ.
  • -1
    Nice to read this information
  • 3
    real gangsters enable all errors and just die() where they think that their issue is, but just before that we print_r and var_dump our shit to follow along into what fucked it up.


    (I am joking btw, I love using php, but absolutely hate debugging in it, or in most languages for that matter, except Rust, the rust compiler treats me like an idiot, and I love it for it, fuck Python error messages and specially fuck Node error messages)
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    @jfgilmore or Go for that matter
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    PHPStorm handles PHP very well. When the code is somewhat good. If you are told to handle someone else's code, when that someone is a very bad programmer, then.. good luck.

    It's the same for any language. But admittedly, it's easier to write bad code for PHP. Because there are a lot of leniency in the language. Especially the earlier version.
  • 2
    PHPStorm with XDebug extension? It’s super easy to setup and use, if you follow the step-by-step instructions in the PHPStorm manual…

    Don’t you put this on PHP. It’s not the language’s fault you are not used to its tooling…
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    @sariel ”most integrations that don’t work our of the box are fucking garbage” - not necessarily, sometimes it’s just caused by a minor detail like path arguments. For example node debugging works great in vscode but many that use nodemon have messed up their path so they have to point to a specific node executable in the debug config file.
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    PHPStorm should do it
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    @jiraTicket in my experience any problems I have had with IDEs was because the product was half-baked. No amount of path fixing or reconfiguration helped.

    On a side note, I shouldn't have to reconfigure my system/environment to enable built-in promoted marketed features. It would be like telling car owners they need to switch their taillights with their headlights to enable reverse on the transmission.

    IMO, if a product is marketed as an IDE and it can't configure the environment for you, it's not very intelligent nor integrated enough. As a dev I installed the damn thing, ask me to configure it at install or during a wizard. I already have to configure and maintain 30 other environments, why do I need to do it for my own system too?
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