
I don't know what language i want to be my main.

I know many languages but most of them just the basics, to write some simple programs.

I'm currently just coding in my free time, i'm still at school and there is no company that forces me to use a specific language.

But when i'm out of school and want to work as a developer, i can't tell them well i know these languages but only the basics.

What is/would be your choice for non web programming?

  • 4
    As long as it's not PHP, I'm satisfied ☺️
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    Probably C, Rust or C#
  • 3
    Depends what path you want to go. You already ruled out web, but... Mobile, desktop, embedded, games...?
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    Define non web programming. You can pretty much do everything in any given language its just a matter of picking the right tool for the job. Sure you can pin nails with a screwdriver but everyone would rather use a hammer instead...

    That being said you'll most likely settle for a language when you find your real interest in programming/area of expertise.
  • 4
    Non web, rust, c, carbon, Swift, java, kotlin c#, python, Ruby, goLang.... seriously pick on and dive deep.

    Knowing many is a good thing, knowing a couple deeply will benefit you regardless of what you end up doing.

    @ScriptCoded you can and I do use php for non web though.
    It's highly under appreciated for its flexibility.
  • 2
    Java, C# or C++, I guess
  • 4
    @C0D4 carbon does not even exist yet
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    @iiii πŸ˜… tell the recruiters that.

    Besides it's in an experimental alpha state. So anyone willing to go to production with it are bonkers anyway.
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    What do you want to work on?
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    @ScriptCoded Flash ActionScript
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    You can't dislike web.. in the age of the internet..

    If you hate PHP and Javascript... You can still create backend and various other apps using C# or Python.
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    Thanks will probably have a look at c(++) and rust.
    And Java was what i began coding with but never liked it, but maybe i will have a Look at it again.

    Is there a good backend language that is as easy as php? When i do some backend stuff i always go with php cause it's just some simple Script i put in the web root And that's it, no 5000 dependencies And frameworks and so on.
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    I don't really want to touch mobile developement.
    It's something that is very weird to me
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    @jonas-w if you’re wanting to do modem back ends: node.js or go and/or erlang
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    @jeeper not sure if mistyped modern or meant modem πŸ€”
  • 4
    @Lensflare ya know, I meant modern, but that is a surprisingly good typo 🀣
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