
Any way to code frontend without JS?

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    Yes, any way.
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    You could try Rust or Go (has 2 MB runtime though...), but sadly WASM isn't anywhere mature yet
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    Now that I think about it people seem to really like Elm, maybe give that a look
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    Yes, just use HTML5.
    Or use TS.
    Or use some other language and compile to WASM.
    Or develop your own browser.
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    Do what they do on phones. Write an app.
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    Sure, u can use java. GWT, for example... Gonna be painful, yes, but... Possible.
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    full and proper ssr not a possibility?
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    Many options. Many. Some better, some worse. Some more production ready, some less so.
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    @12bitfloat Elm doesn’t seem to be in active development anymore, unless I’m mistaken. So maybe better use something inspired by what Elm was doing?
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    I heard coffeescript is pretty hip today.
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    html5 - the way to go for all form inputs
    CSS3 - layout, styling and even some animation

    Personally, I'd go with a relatively straightforward front end framework, such as UIkit, which provides html, CSS classes and associated javascript in neat, pre-built modules. It is easy to use and very lightweight. There's also a brilliant config tool if you use V2.
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    php? not a fan tho
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    There's that library that lets you run python in the browser.

    WASM allows you to offload some tasks to it but definitely isn't a replacement for JS (no DOM access)

    You have TypeScript but if you hate JavaScript, TS won't really catch your attention.

    There are probably many transpilers from other scripting languages.
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    No, Carl, your $30 landing page doesn't need JavaScript.
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    Technically, if all your website does is send GET/POST requests by user clicking things and you don't mind page reload behavior, HTML forms are enough.

    Also, WASM?
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    @vintprox Not only WASM.

    Other technos here :

    Blazor Server Side.

    As a developper you never to JavaScript (Except maybe some very EDGE cases)

    Now, i'm putting out app in production in a couple of months (10K daily users), we'll see if it holds
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    Yes! C++, Rust, C#, Dart, Swift, Kotlin, Java, …
    Oh! You mean frontend like… websites! Not many good options there. TS… I guess is a bit less retarded than JS.
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    @localpost it was obvious that a german made that website lol
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