Fucking windows! I am so fucking done with this microsoft bullshit!

Hear me out here, i am a gamer. I need windows because it has the games (and software to aid those games) unlike any other platform. But windows 10 is basically already phishing andmalware at this point. I stuck to win 7 because it had a start menu and didn't totally drive me up the wall.

Just a short list of their bullshits: ads in the explorer window, ads in your taskbar reminders, data mining like it is nobodies business and trying to hide it, sharing my wifi access with friends (wtf), the fucking retarded new start menu, the crappy fullscreen apps which have less functionality than the actual proper desktop applications that you need to config what you want, and even then pushing multiple updates that simply broke peoples pc's. Fuck that, ill stick to 7.

They are making win10 worse by the week making it unlikely i will ever join that hell, and they are also aiming to force me there. Making windows store exclusives and dx12 only games. What am i supposed to do against that?! The current releases don't bother me much but fuck i figure it is a matter of time until the newest katamari game is their exclusive and i nanananana katamari damacy all over their platform.

And well all alternative os's are just out of the question unless vulkan rendering gets the upper hand. Then i'd switch to whatever stable distro and learn about our new penguin based overlords languages.

For now i will just stick to win7, suck on my thumb while in fetal position and hope it just all goes away.

  • 13
    Install Linux then. Go on.

    I'll see you back here in a week.
  • 7
    @drRoss bothered to read the whole thing? I can't unless it suports all new games and old ones too.
  • 4
    Install linux and make a virtual machine with windows so you can play games
  • 6
    @Fluti No, don't do that, unless you only plan to play minecraft.
  • 6
    Hardcore gamers have it bad right now. Really you are forced to use windows crapware if you want to play all the latest games unfortunetly.
    I have a dual boot with windows for my games that don't run on linux, but if you play windows games every day that isn't practical.
  • 5
    @Fluti to my knowledge virtual machines and wine have either compatability issues or can't get all of the GPU's performance like a PC. So sadly no dice.
  • 2
    @penguin of you ever find a way out, be sure to hook the gaming community up with the answer!
  • 5
    I'm in the same position as you. I have 2 PCs because I currently live in 2 places. One on 7 and one on 10. 7 is near perfect right out of the box. Only a few minor UI tweaks that I like to add. But windows 10, I've had to reinstall many times and have to run a tonne of scripts to disable all the crap they include. I'm also hoping to go ryzen in the near future which is pretty much stuck on 10. Sadly Linux isn't quite viable for me either, however when I'm living in one place, my second PC will be on Linux. I recommend looking at steam.bravehost.com which shows all your Linux compatible games, I was quite surprised!
  • 5
    @Wozza365 thank gabeN for steam bigscreen and thus their pull for linux compatablity.
  • 4
    @Bacontaskmaster Yes, all praise to our lord GabeN :D
  • 4
    Yes, look how many of your games are Linux native and then see what games you have are support​ed by Lutris at Lutris.net

    Linux may still be viable!!
  • 2
    @RiderExMachina eh, the issue lies with my sentimental games. Ut99, older c&c games. Those will be hard to get running on modern windows, let alone linux. But yeah i could check it out some day.
  • 5
    Well, older games tend to work well with WINE and I know I saw c&c on Lutris today. I think UT99 has an opensource reimplementation that works under Linux...

    Edit: I was incorrect, but there is this website: http://toxiccode.com/ut/howtos/...

    Forgive the horrible everything, but it's better than nothing
  • 4
    @Bacontaskmaster Also, if they are older they will work fine in a vm. Graphics intensive games are what don't work in a vm because the vm has no direct access to the GPU.
  • 5
    All the stuff you complain about sounds like USER problems

    Right @DrRoss?
  • 2
  • 8
    3/4 of this rant are things you can switch off or do not exists in that way on Windows 10. The train for start menu rants left months ago.
    Setup a dezent Linux box + KVM virtual machine if windows bothers you so much, but something tells me you can't..

    -6/10 rant. You failed. Try harder next time.
  • 2
    @Player2 that's some next level shit rant
  • 8
    I'll give you ++ just because the Katamari reference (didn't see it coming).

    But yeah, as @drRoss says, you'll be back. Also I agree with @Linux and @Kimmax , all the stuff that you mentioned are things that either you can switch on/off or stuff that's out of your hands (like old dated software).

    I've been using Windows since ever, also Linux, but this has become my motto since many years ago:

    Windows for the laptop, Linux for the desktop. As per usual, my desktop/laptop are the same machine, so I mainly work with Windows (and can do everything there and my battery won't die as fast as in Linux with all the goodies of battery saving perks it allows), and when I'm plugged in AND it's necessary, I switch to Linux.

    Honestly, I've never had a bad experience with Windows (leaving aside the long-ass updates).
  • 1
    @Kimmax i have windows 10 at work, the start menu is still utter shit. Rather have text i can read than icons i have to guess about. And it rather gives you the screen filling apps than the actual network management menus. Fuck it.
  • 3
    There is your beloved text.
    You can just start typing what you want. Same as in 7
  • 3
    This little button switches to windowed mode
    (Btw, nobody forces you to use UWP apps)
  • 4
    @Bacontaskmaster and there you have the Network and Sharing Center. Just like it used to be.
    If you don't get over this little things you should consider your profession
  • 4
    Look, I didn't even took the time to take Screenshots. Would have boosted the quality of this shit rant tho
  • 3
    I read a while back about something called GPU passthrough. Haven.t tried it yet, due to time limitations, but it seems goos. Basically it's a VM with full processing power, which means you can have a win7 VM inside Linux without sacrificing hardware power. Check it out
  • 1
    @Kimmax not what i meant. The icons left border, i am badically missing the right half of the win7 menu. As i configured it.
  • 1
    @Kimmax it tries damn hard to throw them up whenever it can.
  • 1
    @Kimmax takes longer to get there. (Networking)
  • 1
  • 2
    @jschmold give me my win98 start menu back or i am salty.
  • 2
    Not defending Windows 10, but you could get the LTSB that comes without any apps, only receives update when it absolutely needs to and if you ever feel like getting a Windows store app after all, you can just install app packages through the console. It's basically the most "plain" W10 out there.
  • 3
    I use both Linux (CentOS) and Windows 10. I don't get the ppl who have problems with Win10 at all. It runs flawlessly, no bloatware, the desktop version of the UI is a piece of cake. The only BSOD I ever experienced was from an Asus utility prog, which I uninstalled. Maybe the American version is different from the international version. 🤔
  • 4
    Time to get to a system configuration?

    Seriously, learn your business, as easy as Win+X then whatever option you want is there, at least, so far I haven't had issues reaching something fast nor efficiently.

    I'd suggest one thing:

    Setup your setup (lol) the right way, learn your keyboard shortcuts and get to work, stop wasting time on customising and get used to the little nuances of the UI.

    Remove Start panel apps and just leave pinned the ones you need. Disable app recommendations and shrink the panel (it behaves like a window, so you can resize it). Remove search bar from the taskbar and you're done
  • 5
    @Kimmax Please can you lay off the other devs here? No one and nothing is perfect, otherwise we'd be out of a job, right? And I think the OP is a genuine, normal (very funny) guy who is in a small community of devs that take the piss out of muggles and managers. Just be nice bro, it ain't hard.
  • 1
    @DucksCanCode pessimist, you forgot OP is a pessimist. I kick the stone called win10 because i liked how win7 with xp like settings is for me. I know all and more is achievable by 10, but i can't be assed to set it up nor can i be assed with all the additional bullshit.
  • 3
    @Bacontaskmaster I see that, but I was referring to the way he was talking to fellow humans and developers.
  • 4
    So... You dont want to learn something new? Windows is not rocket science
  • 2
    @Linux more like i don't want my shit to change. It was fine as it is. Chalk that up to autism or ocd, whatever you fancy. I will eventually adapt if i am forced to. But until then i am holding back and keep hating win10 until the possibility of a decent replacement is absolute zero and win7 is out of service.

    @DucksCanCode oh, yes i should have been clearer on that being a general statement towards the rest to explain my part of ranting.

    Also, he can do as he pleases, since i do just the same. I sometimes make dick comments just for the sake of being a dick. He makes a comment to me about my rant being dick, i can hardly blame him. (Doesn't mean i will agree with him though)

    But nevertheless i am glad you take it up against people being dicks to others, it's a good cause. :)
  • 1
  • 1
    @Linux That's right girlfriend.
  • 1
    No, you are the girl in this marriage
  • 3
    I have a MacBook pro for all the development related work. I use it for portability, so that I can work in any part of my office.
    I have a full gaming pc at home dual booted with Windows 10 and Ubuntu. I sometimes do some programming on windows, but I rarely use Ubuntu. My games work fine (They are normally not that heavy on my current GPU) and I love working on Windows 10 too.

    Windows is not perfect, neither do Linux or macOS. Everything has its own pros and cons. I like all the OSes and due to regular switching I don't even feel the difference between them.

    You should definitely try Win10. It's better, if you'll ignore the unnecessary stuffs.
  • 4
    I have never had an issue with win10 that I didn't cause or couldn't fix easily. Everything people complain about I have turned off.

    God, it's like people can't read what settings do.
  • 3
    @Player2 I think it's more of the fact that people are resistant to change. I agree that Vista was really a pain and that windows 7 saved us a world of pain. But from my experiences with continued windows installation on both older and newer hardware. I found windows getting better. Granted that people cried to their mama when windows 8 came out. But hey! Microsoft listened to feedback. Windows 8.1 was a little weird in the ui department but it was really quick. And windows 10 is even better. What current gen OS runs on single core centrinos well (windows 10) does. The previous windows7 install was very slow.
    And just in case anyone talks about gaming. If you set up your pc right. There won't be any trouble with it. I've been gaming for the better part of the decade (old stuff and modern triple A titles) I've had no problems.
  • 2
    @Torbuntu nope, I can turn them off. "Restart at my chosen time". It's literally an option.

    You are proving my point
  • 4
    I don't know if people just love to hate Microsoft.
    Look at them now. Microsoft is innovative and exciting nowadays . Unlike a certain fruit.
    Maybe they messed up the in the past (windows Vista, Windows 2000,Windows ME) but, they're adapting and making new stuff. Linux is nice if you want to work really close with your operating system.. But for a lot of people (developers included) windows is perfectly fine.
  • 2
    @Linux That's not what you said in the bedroom last night. 😂
  • 1
    No, yesterday it was @apple
  • 2
  • 2
    @Torbuntu @Torbuntu there's literally a "pause updates" option. Read
  • 2
    @torbuntu genuine question (let's stop the flame): what is your issue with downloading updates automatically (not installing them)
  • 2
    @torbuntu 2nd image, at the bottom
  • 2
    @Torbuntu understood. I'm pretty ok with my 90% control :D
  • 3
    ++ for nananananana katamari damacy

    (I realise you don't need to type out ++ etc, but come on. Katamari dude)
  • 3
    Absolute nonsense ...Why you ask?

    I don't see any kind of ads.

    MS is one of the biggest Open Source contributers on GitHub.

    Windows 10 is the most stable version ever.

    You can easily disable any kind of Spying.

    Developing for windows is easy af using Visual Studio.

    I could continue for ever...
  • 1
    @iNCEPTiON "You can easily disable any kind of Spying."
    Hehe Nice joke
  • 1
    @penguin never used regedit? Come on, you're a developer!
  • 0
    @Player2 lol in the new creators update, windows actually removed part of their spying shit from the registry. It's of course still active though.
    It's funny that you think you have full power over your machine with regedit... Those days are long gone...
  • 0
    @penguin can just add that value back in. I did
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