so my father is on psychiatry, because he tried to kill himself. he invited me to join, which was very tempting, but his method was very stupid, and i have a bit more time of enjoying watching the apocalypse in progress, so i declined.

he's alive, because his attempt was thwarted by his instinct not to take anyone else with him who didn't consent.

i told him killing himself by crashing a car is the stupidest way ever.

i'm glad he didn't listen, because i was right.

  • 11
    An apocalypse isn't a good reason to kill yourself. You can still have fun till the apocalypse actually kills you.
  • 9
    What a mind fuck. Sorry man, that is rough.
  • 10
    @Demolishun i don't have the energy to give a shit anymore.

    about anything, really.
  • 8
    @Midnight-shcode well, it's good you can open up about it.

    i know from experience how hard and uncomfortable it can be to talk about troubling stuff like this
  • 8
    @Midnight-shcode You are important, you matter.
  • 0
    He needs to listen to andrew tate videos a lot more so he can man up and stop being a pussy
  • 2
    @b2plane please make satiric remarks more obvious, there could be people dumb enough to actually take this advice.
  • 1
    @Oktokolo yes cf the comedy "This is the end". Good way to relativize the apocalypse
  • 1
    @Demolishun no, i'm not important and i don't matter.nothing i do matters.

    the billionaires do. that's how they made the system.
  • 7
    Dude... That's a mind fuck for sure.

    When my own father was wasting away from cancer he asked me to use a gun and help him end it.

    I couldn't do it. I'm still pretty fucked up over it. Was I weak because I couldn't bear to lose him sooner? Was I wrong to not end his suffering? So many questions.

    Now, years later, I don't think about it much. I only remember the few good times we had together.

    In time, I hope you will have the opportunity to look back on the good, and hopefully make a few new good memories.

    Be safe, stay strong.
  • 1
    @sariel Well, depending on laws in your country, you could have been convicted of murder for following through with his request. I have a traditional ethic on allowing nature to take its course rather than offing onself. But that's me as a healthy person thinking in the abstract. I have a low pain threshold and when I hurt, it hurts bad even if it's nothing life threatening. I hate to think of the thoughts I'd have if I had some horrible cancer or other painful disease. Nothing is easy.
  • 1
    oh fuck, so sorry to hear that.. :-( take care!
  • 1
    Pretty serious topic.

    In welfare, there was one rule that overruled everything: Do not harm yourself.

    Medically assisted suicide is in my opinion sth that many law systems lack.

    It's a very, very complicated thing that should involve professionals for obvious reasons.

    Psychological emergency situations is another system that many law systems fail to integrate.

    No, you shouldn't get a list of 50 plus numbers that you have to call only to be told ''maybe we can make an appointment in 6-12 months" 50 times plus.

    The sad thing is that this is reality.

    People are left alone in extreme situations. Sometimes even shunned by their families / friends...

    ... and seldomly it has an happy end.

    The "do not harm yourself" as the rule that overrules everything exists for that reason.

    Get help for the person, but don't try to help by yourself alone. A person in psychological distress is dangerous, even if it's family.
  • 1
    @tosensei theres a tate video where he said "if you're thinking about committing suicide just promise me this: get a 6 pack first. Because by the time you get a 6 pack you won't want to do it anymore, and you'll be feeling fit and full of life"...

    It makes sense. And he doesnt have to get a 6 pack specifically its just an example. But a great example. He can aim to get a 2 or 4 pack

    This works because it has been psychologically proven

    Mind == body is true.

    Is your body is unhealthy, you'll be mentally unstable. If your mind is unhealthy you will cause harm to your body. Both need to be healthy in order for you to live in harmony

    Tate talks shit a lot. And hes sometimes funny. So your dad watching him might have a couple of laughs instead of being depressed.

    I'm not satirical.

    This is not a satirical post
  • 1
    @Midnight-shcode the billionaires always win if you play their game. But the best parts of life aren't measured in money.

    @b2plane you're right, everything is better with beer. It will make you feel fit right away. Not sure it will help the suicidal thoughts, though.
  • 1
    @midnight-shcode you have my sincere condolences.
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