
I have a HUGE diarrhea for several hours now. It wont go away. Every 30 minutes or so i have to take a big dump. And its always such a huge explosion of literal liquid instead of shit. Well its still shit but in a liquid form. Its like im pissing but shit. For the last couple of weeks im not eating right because of huge amount of stress wave. Im eating very lightweight food and in a small quantity while drinking water a lot. Could that be the reason or does it have something to do with covid i had last week? Either way help me get this explosive diarrhea out of me what should i do

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    TMI indeed
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    @electrineer Three Mile Island disaster? But it just melted down, it didn't blow up.
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    go to an doctor or seek immediate medical attention. This can lead to death, because the body loses important minerals and fluids.
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    @electrineer @ScriptCoded @Demolishun @https @stop Ok update: after shitting diarrhea every few hours my asshole now BURNS like hell from pushing such hot watery shit. I can no longer wipe my asshole by grinding toilet paper over my asshole because it hurts as if i dropped the soap. I have to just touch and hold my asshole with toilet paper, until the paper absorbs all the liquid shit. Also i noticed drops of blood coming out of my asshole when i do this
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    Get some over the counter thing for it.
    You are probably eating something that does not like to stay in, or have a serious gastro infection. Go see a doctor ASAP.
    but whatever you decide to do: do *not* update here.
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    @b2plane We are developers (..well, most of us), not doctors. Call your doctor or go to a hospital or something 🤷🏾‍♂️
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    @b2plane thank you.

    Fick you.
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    Sounds like a parasite. Why would you ask medical help on dev site? Go to an urgent care or hospital.
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    As a dev, I can only check WebMD for you.

    It says you've got half an hour to live.
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    @Demolishun the common parasites leave other traces
    @b2plane the blood leveled things up: go to the er now.
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    Maybe post exam nervous breakdown
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    Please use appropriate tags when posting.

    This should have been tagged as shitposting.

    Also, seek medical attention immediately.
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    @https speak for yourself. I'm a doctor.

    Just not a MD...
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    @sariel What kind of doctor are you?
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    @https more Shaq less House.
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    That does not sound normal...bleeding out is something you need checked ASAP. Plus having the runs every half hr is even worse, you’re losing water fast. Not a dr as well, but I think you need to see one
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    @b2plane We almost have the same problem, but in my case it's a PHP legacy project
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    @PonySlaystation Can confirm, it's a real shitfuckery.

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    @PonySlaystation for every bad case of the PHPs I always recommend a daily regimen of Ruby until your symptoms are gone.
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    Anybody heard how Dr Janus is doing?
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    @Demolishun is that Dr. Hugh Janus?
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    Distended Rectum (Dr) Hugh Janus, yes
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