Been there in my college days.😌

  • 4
    Yeah had a heart attack once
  • 5
    I've been there. I had a SageMaker Data Wrangler instance running and costing me $400/month. I checked, checked and checked again that I had completely terminated everything in the whole account. It turned out that I was looking at the wrong region, and that was after 4 months.
  • 3
    I once needed to scale a database on Azure to "very high tier" (Aroud 15K/month) for couple of hours. Forgot to scale it back for 3 days....
  • 0
    @cmarshall10450 So you ended up paying ~$1200? 😧
  • 0
    @NoToJavaScript Was it at your work or personal?
    How much did it cost?
  • 4
    @AkshayXOXO yep 😭. They paid it back eventually because I called support and showed that it was a clear mistake and not lack of understanding of AWS.

    A client that I was working with accidentally enabled Cloud Trail events in all regions and the had a Lambda function that wrote out to S3. The issue was that the function had an infinite loop and you get charged for logging that event in each region. So... $90K over a weekend
  • 0
    @cmarshall10450 90k 🀯.
    Good thing that Amazon is supportive and understanding.
  • 4
    @AkshayXOXO yeah. The support is really good. If you can show that it was a genuine mistake rather than just lack of understanding or care, then they will usually refund the cost. For me, they would have seen absolutely no activity in the metrics so it's not like I was using it but saying that I hadn't and made a mistake.

    I just wish AWS did resource management more like Azure and GCP. Show me everything of that resource type and tell me which region each one is in rather than only showing one region for every service - not including the global services of course.
  • 2
    Same with a Google Ads campaign I left running once.
  • 3
    @stackodev that's a bad one too. I worked with another client who were spending on average $150 each time they showed someone an ad on a site. They showed me the same ad 3 times all in a vertical line. Very good use of money. Luckily the reason I was working with them was the bring down their ad spend and make it more targeted.
  • 2
    This happened to a colleague who thought he was preparing for the AWS exam on a free credit account. Poor lad XD
  • 1
    @HarshGaur I think anyone who works on cloud has made this mistake atleast onceπŸ˜„
  • 0
    @HarshGaur that must have been really annoying. The worst thing is thinking that you're running in free tier but not realising that your account was created >= 12 months ago. There's nothing to say if you're still in free tier or not.
  • 0
    @AkshayXOXO Work. Around 1.5k. But I explained it as "monthly tests". Average Azure bill right now around 11k/month
  • 0
    EBS snapshots and Cloud Trails really cost you in silence big time
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