
I find it od that 3 of the most hated languages on devrant are part of the top five most in demand languages?

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    I love c# and JavaScript
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    Python is pretty good too
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  • 22
    How to make every Dev angry in 5 seconds:
    "Java is short for JavaScript."
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    welcome to devRant!
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    They wouldn't be hated if nobody had to use them.
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    @redstonetehnik thank you ...just got my avatar πŸ˜€
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    @spongessuck maybe that in demand because nobody could be compelled to use themπŸ€”πŸ˜‚
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    The only one on that list that sucks is PHP.
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    I've get fascinated by why people hate one language or the other languages this much. They are meant for different things and has different syntax. Developers should understand that.
    And to be honest, if a language was truly horrible, it wouldn't even get noticed by anyone.
    On the other hand, developers who started out with java, C or other object oriented, highly verbose languages seem to believe less verbose means less features or less powerfulness.
    And developers who started out with python or php seem to dislike verbose languages like Java.
    Each language has its pros and cons, if a dev don't like it she doesn't have to use it. Rather than bashing left and right, we as developers should understand the purpose of the language and learn to use it accordingly.
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    Because PHP is spaghetti.
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    Each language has its taste ; you just need to know when to use which...and you are in love with all of 'em!
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    Python ftw
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    @Atari More accurately: PHP is a fractal of bad design. (Google that and read the article; it's amazing!)

    Nearly everything about the language is awful. Yes, it has improved. No, it is still not as well-designed as python, ruby, go, node, c#, etc. In fact, I'd even go so far as to say VB is a better-designed language, even with all of its crappiness. Why? VB has fewer pitfalls and gotchas and required error checking around built-in methods. It doesn't have things so obviously borrowed from other languages that they don't fit in whatsoever (I'm looking at you, (int) ). Its params lists are always in the same order, and it doesn't have basically verbatim wrappers around C calls, requiring further error catching. And don't get me started on php.ini and ini_set() 😑. It's incredibly sad that freaking VB is better in so goddamn many respects than a bloody mainstream language.

    These -- and so, so, so many other reasons -- is why I say PHP is crap.
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    Python rlz
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    I kinda find it hard to believe those are the top 5.
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    @jschmold The One to rule them all.
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    @dreik Now that's what I call a rant!
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    I hate js and c#.
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    @Ashkin That's a reasoned and very well put comment. Hard to argue. I don't know very much about the underlying architectures and I suspect only a small % of developers really do, so kudos for the insight.

    The only thing I will say is that 10-15 years ago, if you wanted to develop websites at low cost with a low barrier to entry, PHP was the best of few real choices. And thus was born a dependence and many tools and platforms were developed which now mean PHP has to retain some of its crapness to avoid breaking 1/2 the web.

    I get the VB comparison, but it's a little "apples and oranges" for me. They're very different things.
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    @Ashkin ohh I'm with you on that one
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    Being true every language is hated to a degree, many hate Java and JavaScript some python and C# but it doesn't matter.m because we all must hate PHP
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    πŸ‘Œ C#, PHP, JavaScript πŸ‘Œ
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    My favorite are python, java and php !
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    Love C#, hate Java but enjoy writing it mostly due to Android Studio (IntelliJ)
    Hate PHP and wish it gets destroyed along with JavaScript. Don't know Python but sometimes I have to edit Python scripts and enjoy doing that
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    Has anyone here heard of Julia , my signals and systems lecture swears it's the word of God sent down to remove MATLAB and python from existence.
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    Honestly, I don't think Python or JS get as much hate as PHP on devRant, and Java admittedly does get quite a bit of hate.
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    @Ashkin do you say nokia is bad when compared to latest samsung?No it's because both are different things altogether . When php came out first it was the only server side language capable of such features with such amazing speed. And why are you comparing language designs?Please read upon how tough it is to design a language ground up and let alone redign. Half of the people who shit about php didn't even know basics of programming other than importing classes and functions and using them .those who know anything are already contributing to things to make them better. I also dnt use php and very muh aware of its flaws and bad design but still it's not that bad.i don't want to be rude or anything it's just that it hurts me when I think of php developers who are amazing and how clean code they write.why so much hate for a language from which other languages took ideas and improved upon them.the best we can do is stop hating things if we can't contribute to make them better.
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    @orto well, I don't mind Python, but if Julia kills Matlab I'll fucking cry tears of joy. Before I transferred from engineering to computer science, I had way too much tone with that fucking waste of disk space. A language or compiler should not cost me 1000s of dollars, and if it does it better be fast and make fucking sense.
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    I think Python rocks, thank you very much
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    I like C#, Js and Python only of simple OS scripting
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    @redstonetehnik it's funny because it's true πŸ˜‚
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    @anekix There is no fixing PHP without a complete redesign. Or tools are supposed to make our life easier, not harder. When a language actively makes your job more difficult and lays hidden traps for you to fall into, that language is not worth using, and PHP is full of examples. (E.g. strpos: it returns 0 on index 0 and False on failure -- which evaluates to 0, so unless you actively class-check the result each and every time you use the method, PHP will silently convert the failure and chug along happily, giving you incorrect and unexpected behavior). There are countless others.

    Also, equating the quality of a language with the developers who use it is a fallacy. There are great devs who use PHP, but that doesn't mean that PHP isn't terrible, only that they've managed to make wonderful things out of a shoddy mess.

    I strongly recommend you read "PHP is a fractal of bad design" -- it explains this clearer and in more detail than I can, especially here.
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    @anekix Language design is extremely difficult. I totally agree. And I'm not just shitting on languages I dislike: I just don't understand how people can use other languages and still defend PHP. It really is terrible.

    @CrankyOldDev Thanks! Yeah, PHP was vey useful before because it was basically the only decent choice. Fortunately that is no longer the case! And as for the VB comparison: it's true enough, but I was referring more to their underlying design than their intended uses.

    @g-m-f Agreed!
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    @Ashkin Yeah, I guessed that. But it comes down to a massive team of Microsoft engineers constructing a language eco-system over many years vs a couple of guys making an open-source, server-side framework that probably became infinitely more than they ever imagined much quicker than they could cope with.

    I accept your analysis of the language flaws, but we are an adaptable bunch and can very quickly learn to work around limitations if we can ultimately achieve our goals. And suddenly we're skilled in something that's in demand and the idiosyncrasies and failings of the base tools aren't that big a deal. We can deliver nonetheless!
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    You got to agree language number 6 sucks.
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