
Yesterday at my career progression chat my manager told me that to showcase more seniority I would need to "stop moving the needle by myself and become a multiplier".

So in order to progress I need to change from being a sewing machine to a mathematical operator??!!?!?
Thanks, that's very fucking helpful.

  • 4
    "They're very literal people"
  • 2
    The fuck does that mean???
  • 5
    @ethernetzero manager talk, no meaning, just empty void.

    It is like our HR having a note and book about 'Illness happens to you, absenteeism is a choice'...

    Great message to display at work.
  • 0
    @ethernetzero That's what I wanna know..
  • 2
    @Grumm ew that's a yikes as well
  • 4
    I think it means assist junior devs and more focus on teamwork.

    Also, you could, you know, ask for a clarification.
  • 3
    It means that you should stop getting shit done by yourself and start helping others. Manager speak has two key rules:
    - every sentence that isn't about people or emotions is a metaphor. Manager speak never deals with anything other than people and emotions.
    - every sentence is positive, therefore the positive tone should be ignored.
  • 2
    In the IT industry manager speak is sometimes mixed with jargon, but the above rules continue to apply. Ambiguity only occurs when a word has as casual and a technical meaning neither of which refer to people, because the metaphor could be based on either meaning.
  • 1
    A pillar of corporatism is the belief that every process benefits from some kind of management, if not through the efficacy of the process then through the personal development of the workers involved. Corporations are antithetical to voluntary cooperation between workers who are responsible for their own development. Hence why they want to get you to manage people, probably.
  • 2
    @Demolishun I of course asked for a clarification, otherwise I wouldn't be rating here. And the clarification was a 6 minute long monologue about my time under his management so maybe I'm a dummy but it didn't really clarify what he meant.

    The only thing that he made clear is that I should help others less, instead, I should get others help me more.
  • 1
    @lorentz hmm so it seems maybe he wants me to delegate my work and make more junior people work for me.. Maybe he wants me to become a manager too? Hope not.
  • 0
    @lorentz also wasn't your name "ibfalvy" before or am I craz?
    (haven't been around for a while)
  • 0
    @oiledwheels lmao probably
  • 1
    @Alt-Tab It was, but that's also my github username and general nickname and I realized that I almost certainly don't want my rants to show up when potential clients or employers google my nickname.
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  • 0
    @lorentz makes sense of course
  • 0
    @lorentz this is not that hard though, it's basic text interpretation. you guys need better communication skills
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