“Is There Too Much CSS Now?”
Ok Kiki. Do your thing. Good take? Bad take?


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    It‘s like asking an alcoholic if the all the different kinds of alcohol that shops sell is too much.
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    I think it's a good thing. That fact that the entire render object model is based of html elemnts kinda sucks and lead to stupid stuff like ::before and ::after

    Having more control over how things are rendered within css -- without having to pollute your html! -- is nice

    I have thought quite a bit about writing an alternative to web rendering technology and one thing I would definitely do is decouple what elements are rendered from what elements are in the dom. I.e. an element is associated with one render object but that object can have multiple child objects if you want
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    Okay, here's what I have to say.

    Yes. I think there are in fact too many new CSS properties that are of little use. Also, there are properties I wish existed, but don't, like ones for hanging punctuation and background filters/transforms.

    But, the abundance is not a bad thing in CSS. When you code, you always stick to a subset of the language you use. In CSS, I now have the subset that is solid enough to build pretty much any UI without hacks. Previously, CSS lacked support for features I needed, namely gap for flexbox and :focus-visible, but they were recently shipped to Safari. Now I have the full package that satisfies me, and I don't use new things like margin-inline/block-start/end jazz.

    I always welcome the diversity. In CSS, as with all web technologies, we have nothing to fear — features we use are not going to go away. Just stick to your subset (that is here to stay), and thank ~~god~~ science CSS is not C++.
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    @kiki I mostly agree but
    > "features we use are not going to go away"
    this is as much a bad thing as it is a good thing.
    That’s how we get convoluted piles of messiness like C++ in the first place.
    Sometimes the only way to improve things is to burn it all down and start from scratch.
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    This exact theme is what made me despise web development
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