Any recommendations for a chat service (like slack or teams) that offer an OUTGOING webhook? Slack does but it is unfortunately going to be deprecated soon which sucks

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    Discord slash commands hit an external endpoint/outgoing webhook. I think Telegram bots work similarly. Pretty sure Teams also supports outgoing webhook but I have no experience with Teams bots/scripting.
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    God unless you're on a private server that seems like such a bad idea !
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    Why not just write the bot to handle triggering rpc ?
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    I mean you're writing a proper bot right ? Using an actual programming language that connects to the server like a client and receives chat events and responds to them correct ?
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    @AvatarOfKaine yes I am writing a “proper” bot. Writing something like this with a low-code solution would be stupid. Since I have very restricted options, i figured out a way to accomplish what I wanted without using slack or any type of bot
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    @AvatarOfKaine and even if I did continue down the slack path, I would only use it on a private server. A public server would be cancer
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