Unpopular opinion but I really don’t have any sympathy for people who have been laid off at tech companies. Everyone knows it’s fucking volatile. That is coming from someone who has been laid off in the past year. Out of all the wealth classes of our society, I have no sympathy for people in the richest career field in the world. They will undoubtedly find work and be able to support their high class lifestyle. Let’s start having sympathy for people actually sleeping out on the streets you dumbfucks.

  • 6
    Is showing sympathy and human kindness towards one group mutually exclusive to showing it towards another group? Given there's some turmoil in the world at the moment, anything wrong with trying to spread a bit of positivity?
  • 4
    @atheist I think it is mutually exclusive in a way that our minds can only process so much in terms of what occupies our current concern. That’s why I’m generally against social media because it makes you think you are doing something but really you are just context switching constantly to where nothing gets done. I do think reaching out and helping people get jobs is a cool thing to do, but I don’t think people should have an emotional attachment to stranger’s $100k jobs being lost when they can get another one in two weeks. Spreading positivity doesn’t actually help people if your not doing actual work to help them. That’s why I think we should start a movement to prevent people freezing to death this winter.
  • 2
    Not gonna lie, kinda find it hard to care about people working at Twitter or Facebook. Same reason I would not care about a rich person not being able to afford a new luxury car for a while.
    Maybe I'd care a bit if they worked for something that isn't social media.
  • 0
    does a mentally-challenged rich person deserve compassion? you can't always pay your way out of this shit
  • 1
    @kiki nice reflection from nobody who is having mental issues proudly
  • 4
    @aviophile I earn more per blowjob than you per month
  • 1
    High class lifestyle LEL
  • 1
    Rich is relative. Rich compared to the poor sods out on the streets, definitely. Rich compared to their fat-cat bosses and shareholders who gave the orders for layoffs in the first place, hell no.
  • 0
    High class lifestyle ? I mean I get paid well but I’m not rolling on gold personally, idk about y’all
  • 1
    A lot of us will have high class lifestyles in the future, so might as well make it a habit now to help others.
  • 1
    The best thing you can do for others is mentor and invest in them.

    But make them come to you. They gotta want it enough to put themselves out there.

    The second best thing you can do is give a hitchhiker a ride.

    Walking sucks.
  • 1
    @Wisecrack hitchhiking is risky nowadays too. The last time I tried it I got the cops immediately called on me.
  • 1
    @kiki I think compassion from their immediate circle on their hardships, bc everyone do be having a difficult time, but not compassion from the internet. It’s a false sense of love.
  • 0
    @phat-lasagna people without cars have their freedom of movement essentially taken (thanks highways with no hitchhiking laws!), and are essentially treated as second class citizens.

    I'm fortunate to have a car, many others arent.
  • 0
    @Wisecrack yeah I mean it’s all about the status in America
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