I have Avira Password Manager and for 3 days now I can't access it because they send a verification code to the phone but that code was never received... FUCK YOU AVIRA

  • 1
    2FA via SMS..... it's like they totally don't get the point of 2FA.
  • 2
    Keepassxc ftw
  • 2
    Ouch. SMS 2FA sucks all around. It’s vulnerable to takeover attack. It relies often on 3rd parties like Twilio, and queue based services that can easily get backed up. I avoid it whenever possible.
  • 1
    it's been mentioned already, but: keepassXC for the rescue.

    also: i would never trust my credentials to a program that's not open source. i'm pretty sure all your passwords are "backed up" on aviras internal servers.
  • 1
    I'm now using bitwarden.. what do you think of it
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