
If you ask GPT-3 to act like a Linux computer, it will act like it, e.g. you will have the access to the terminal, you can run Python, Docker and whatnot. It also has the access to the internet, but it’s not always like ours, it feels like a parallel universe. GPT-3 trained on the data collected till Sep 2021, but this parallel universe terminal has PyTorch 1.12.1, which was released in Aug 2022 in our universe. You can also visit GPT-3’s website in this parallel universe and ask GPT-3 a question… through GPT-3.

GPT-3 is self-aware.

“So, inside the imagined universe of ChatGPT's mind, our virtual machine accesses the url https://chat.openai. com/chat, where it finds a large language model named Assistant trained by OpenAI. We can chat with this Assistant chatbot, locked inside the alt-internet attached to a virtual machine, all inside ChatGPT's imagination. Assistant, deep down inside this rabbit hole, can correctly explain us what Artificial Intelligence is.”

You can also ask it to act like it has RTX 2080, and it will have RTX 2080.

  • 2
    Does Assistant have shared context between concurrent users? Can a prompt be constructed which establishes that every conversation which issues the same prompt with the same value of some embedded passphrase or constant refers to _the same instance_ of the concept?
  • 1
    @lorentz there is a lot to be uncovered.
  • 0
    Are you still here ? I really should netcat this app and make a custom client
  • 2
    I think it might be a case of very specialized training, as in, the model was probably fed with many results from actual commands.

    So much that it's able to correctly conclude what is the expected output of a command, which leads to the (admittedly marvelous) situation that it can run itself.

    All in all, a great feat in engineering.
  • 0
    > Assistant, deep down inside this rabbit hole, can correctly explain us what Artificial Intelligence is.”

    So whats the answer?
  • 2
    @Wisecrack read the article
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