Hahahahaha I love how so many websites including devrant itself don't let you change your email address. Wish I had known about firefox relay back then

  • 0
    Didn't know about this until now! Thanks!
  • 3
    You only have 8 rep. You could just make a new account.
  • 1
    I wish someone would dig up John Lennon and attach the pelvic bone to his skull.
  • 0
    I hate that stupid mother fucker and his crappy willfully misleading messages suggesting peace through poverty when he sat on millions

    Fucking bastard
  • 0
    Boy oh boy that nasty hateful Little piece of legacy garbage really added back some unhappy memories of one of the versions of this when I was slowly working myself back onto my feet before getting there and having you bastards reset everything back. Fuck you all I earned the strength greater knowledge and success I earned. And no I can't necessarily work for the damn border patrol again !
  • 6
    I'll just leave this here.....
  • 0
    Yeah let's all use some third-party service we have no control over for our accounts. I can't see how it could go wrong if this service suddenly becomes unavailable or starts charging money. Or if websites block it because it allows scammers to hide their identity even more...

    Get your own domain, that way you're not bound to any single provider and you have full control over your email address, you can even create a separate address for each website the same way Firefox relay allows you to.
  • 0
    @C0D4 Thanks. Now I don’t have to post it.
  • 0
    @AvatarOfKaine hahahahahahahahah so true
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