
Lets get some shit crystal clear:

- Angular is amazing.
- If you're complaining about it, then you're not experienced enough with it and you need to learn more
- Im using Angular for years, i built personal, professional and client projects with Angular as frontend and got paid thousands of USD
- I have never had any problems with angular in terms of performance, slow load time or insufficient documentation
- Angular is perfect for large projects. The structure is extremely robust and Easily lets you scale the project no matter how complex the project is
- You can have a trillion components and still be able to easily understand what each component does and add up to it because of how all the components are modularized and decoupled

  • 5
    I do agree that Angular is an overkill for small projects. The amount of boilerplate code it needs to run even the smallest project is unnecessary. But still it can easily handle even the smallest project
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    I keep seeing devs shit on angular but i still see no reason to stop using it. I'm not like monkey see monkey do. If everyone says its shit but i see proof with my own eyes that it works and its not shit, I'll continue using it. I have independent thoughts
  • 4
    angular is amazing-ly garbage.
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    I agree that Angular is great. But for beginners, it can be pretty hard to learn. Specially considering all the horrible tutorials on youtube you can find who just assume you know "this and that" and starts teaching Angular. I started my web-dev journey with Angular 4, which made me scared of web-dev for a long time. Then I tried React. Then I tried Angular again. Now I understand why people love Angular. I don't LOVE angular, but I'm not scared of it any more now.
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    @p32929 Maybe people should stop trying to use it 'as a beginner'

    We don't go and drive a F1 car on the first go right ?

    You need training, practice. If you are a beginner, go make a website in just html/css and javascript.

    Once you understand that, go for angular.
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    I use it mainly too because it is part of our stack at work and find it okay. I am pretty sure there are frameworks out there which i would like more, but yes, I think it is, okay.
    Some parts i dislike are:
    - I wished it had a strong opinion about project folder structure
    - The router is somewhat complicated
    - Angular Material sucks somehow. What i want to customize is fixed and the other way round.
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    @TheCommoner282 i touched vue only once and that was a couple of days when it first came out. I liked it actually. But it was buggy and not enough features available since it was brand new, so i abandoned learning it and continued doing other stuff. I was never a fan of JS but angular and typescript made me feel as if im not using JS so i enjoy it. I keep seeing Vue getting used, specifically nuxtJS by well known brands and big projects. And their site loads pretty fast
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    @b2plane Vue became more mature since Vue3 release. Consider trying eventually again :)
    I used it and pretty much enjoyed how Vue ecosystem provided me with solution to all my problems out of the box
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    My country's default bank uses Angular for its "new" website. It breaks every other day. Transactions go through only about half the time.

    No duplicate charges or anything, just your random "There was an error, please try again later" that don't mean anything because you can try again immediately after encountering them and have a positive result.

    Then again, banking institutions are known to be a bloody nest of bureaucracy where nothing gets done because even the smallest change must go through a handful of busy bodies that do not understand code at all.

    Not saying this is proof that Angular is bad. But generally speaking, if I'm dealing with an annoying website that just breaks and uses single page applications, it tends to be written in Angular.
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    I heard that one of the reasons why Angular lost the popularity vote against React is, that Angular used to have a lot of BC breaks in the past. What's up with that?
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    @SuspiciousBug They did, but the automatic migration scripts they provide worked most of the time - in my cases!
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    Can it share, at the same time, the fields validation rules of backend and front-end?
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    @h4xx3r @SuspiciousBug @horus angular can do everything any other JS framework can do, and even more. Google has built the framework very intelligently. Its more of a question how large the project is, in which case react or vue should be considered if the project is of small size. But what if that project needs scaling? You're fucked
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    @Grumm I agree. But for beginners, React & Vue are fantastic
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    It’s great for large projects but overkill for smaller ones. One aspect I hate is a lot of tutorials don’t use the latest angular version (15 I think). I see a lot of tutorials for angular 2 and angular 7 for some reason
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    I really want to try the redux pattern. It feels more naturally connected with react but should be possible with Angular as well. Opinions / experiences?
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    I love Angular. <3 Been doing React the past couple of months and it's been a _pain_.

    Give me Angular any day. <3
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    @SuspiciousBug Not sure if there's been breaking changes in modern times but I think Angular lost a step in the Framework Wars during 2014-2016 as v2 was a huge change and there was some confusion after. Lots of devs just changed to a different framework after that and never looked back, and even if they might be happy now if thry tried the latest version - they see no reason to.
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    Angular is just as good as Java is.
    I wont say more than that :D
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    @jiraTicket it was merely a marketing failure to name two completely different frameworks - Angular. js and Angular - almost the same.
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    @horus Yes, agree. I don't necessarily think it was all that bad. I do think a lot of devs realised it became an entirely new framework - just that during that time I saw a lot of devs switch to different frameworks. (Which might've been unavoidable no matter what the new Angular framework was named)
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