The whole office is out this week for the holidays. Why is someone pushing to production today?

  • 8
    A) intern with poorly managed privileges.

    B) rockstar sick of stupid bureaucracy and processes taking his chance.
  • 5
    Someone‘s having a miserable christmas and wants:
    - company
    - others to have a bad time, too
  • 2
    @possum No christmas for me, no christmas for you!
  • 1
  • 2
    AI pushing its own code. The takeover has started. Makes sense they’d do it over X-mas when no-one will notice.

    The new air fryer is probably a Trojan. I expect it to kill me in my bed tonight. What a depressing end.
  • 0
    “And you get coal! Hooo! Hoo! Hoooooo!” (Leaves office)
  • 0
    "It's just a minor change"
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