
Every friggin time. Oh, just move the files around, should be straightforward enough!

  • 2
    I love you :)
  • 1
    Sorry, but the only way I see this post is:

    - satire

    - boomer stuck using text edit or god fucking forbid FTP

    - never heard of VS Code / TypeScript (also god forbid)

    In the last case, the abstract syntax tree (AST) takes care of any variable, file, function, or class renames automatically (out of the box) for you.

    As far as I know, same for .NET and golang.

    However, I would admit there are other clown languages out there like python where this probably won't work at all, or at least half as good.

    ...after some meditation... it has to be... you're using python... aren't you?

    feel free to downvote if correct, upvote if wrong - keep the negative vibe train rolling
  • 1
    @fullstackclown Is not that deep bro
  • 1
    @12bitfloat then what's the issue with a few file renames? :)
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