Finish some of my side projects. Currently it actually feels doable for once.

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    man do they age fast.
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    feel like an elf.
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    only look older because i am pretty old lol
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    @AvatarOfKaine sorry, did I ask?
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    oh and everything is different today !

    wow !

    literally everything was different today !

    I remembered all the shit they did before and it was different today !
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    I did different things all day !
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    and so did you !
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    I also saw some chomo get the shit beat out of him today twice !
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    @AvatarOfKaine so please, I ask you kindly. Stop commenting completely irrelevant shit on mine and others posts. It almost always spirals out to nonsensical racist and sexual bullshit that I don't think anyone of this platform is interested in hearing about. If you have something relevant and interesting to bring to the conversation (that's not racist, sexist or what not), please do. But also please doing whatever it is you think you're doing.
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    I feel you @ScriptCoded.

    It's been a tsunami of technically and self reportedly clinically ill people claiming edgy avant-garde of totally made-up backgrounds and positions, wrecking every conversation with open woke hate, peer pressure or plain schizophrenia.

    Really really wish for a blocking function on @devrant, @trogus & @dfox.
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    @scor Yes that's the sad reality of this platform at the moment. I +1 that feature request.
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    No I just don't think it matters since you people are likely just going to delete all this bs anyway
    And I'm being annoyed by the same idiots

    Also you wrote all this last time
    And sure enough the platform reset
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