
I'm in internship, why the fuck am I the one explaining them how to use git, Android studio????? Why am I the project manager?????? I'm supposed to learn from you not the opposite. Fuck this monkey.

  • 6
    let me guess, you work for a startup. right?
  • 4
    I had similar experiences, except... Had to explain git, code style and basic coding guidelines to an developer in the field for 20+ years... Lost my mind after that
  • 1
    @dead-c0de yeah...
  • 3
    Abolish Android Studio. Return to monkey
  • 0
    @hinst 🦧 is the beginning and the ending of everything. Lets reset everything now I'm 🦧
  • 4
    This is a actually a good thing. All of that looks good on your resume (also translates to leadership experience)so that when you are ready, you can get the fuck out.
  • 2
    @rebeckster Problem is it looks odd if you're putting that stuff on your CV for an internship. That should be a team taking you under their wing and showing you how things work in the real world, not the intern being used to advise them on vaguely modern version control and IDEs.
  • 1
    @AlmondSauce Agreed. I’ll never forget the people that took me under their wing in the early days. Maybe @clamore can find that at the next employer but for now it sounds like @clamore may be the most valuable employee there 👑
  • 0
    @clamore you're likely teaching them so they can be fraudulent leftover representative's of the growing sex trade (see economic battery theory)who will mimic you after you leave
  • 0
    Find another job lol
  • 1
    Maybe it's an internship to become the new CTO? lol
  • 0
    There’s a lot of smart people in our field that learned how to code a while back and just called it a day. They are comfy in their jobs, they built some processes for the company and they may be the only ones who really know how said processes work and finally they are master bullshiters that have maneuvered their way into a position and the higher ups value them to some degree.

    For them learning anything new isn’t really necessary and if you introduce anything new to them they may play it off as nothing important. I work with a few of them so I know where you’re coming from.
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    @DreEleven I trust you but they are like 30 and they didn't even knew how the legacy code worked
  • 0
    @clamore wow this is worse than I thought. Do your best then get out a there.
  • 1
    @DreEleven job's done I get out last week
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