Every now and then, periodically
and then quiet. Get into working mode, concentrate again, a...

wtf is that.. Took down my smoke alarm, prolly the battery is getting low. Put it next to me, waiting...
nope, it's gotta be smth else. How can I hunt it down when I can't even tell which direction it's coming from?!? I know. Play smart. Measure the period.
it's been 3 minutes 5 seconds since the last BEEP-fucking-BEEP. Now I can plan my time ahead. Go to one room, wait fo..
Nope, it's not there. Carry on with all the other rooms, waiting for that annoying beeping.
I think I at least know the room. Good, narowed it down.

this is getting really annoying. I've been playing with this nonsense for an hour already. Alright, it's in my kid's room. The PC is off, toys are off. What could it be....? Binary search the f
uck out of it! aight, I first try to identify from which part of the room it's coming from. Stand in the middle and tu
ahh, right, it's behind me then. Fine. That's the PC corner. But it's off, it can't be making sounds. Esp when it has no speakers plugged in - it's got only Bluetooth speakers which haven't been turned on for what, a year already? but then w
hat could it be... Sounds like it's indeed coming from the PC corner. Checking all the LEDs -- all are off, nothing's turned on. Move the speakers away, try digging around to see if the kiddo didn't leave his toys behind the
PC. Wait, the sound has moved behind me... And I've only moved my BT speakers. Which are turned off. That's odd... could it be? Put one to one ear and another one to another and wait for the remaining 15 seconds
BEEP-(you are a fucking idiot)-BEEP
whispers in my left ear.

Turns out, some BT speakers can make low-battery sounds even when they are turned off.

  • 1
    Hmm and it wasn't because of radio signals? Would be strange if it was so often tho
  • 4
    This is why I'm afraid of implanted electronics; I can have a Bluetooth headset around my neck connected to my laptop with 400 browser tabs any number of which could be YouTube, and wonder who's speaking.
  • 3
    Bluetooth speakers are nowadays overenginerred as fuck.

    Never owned one, until i got one for free, and since then only have problems with it.

    The last time i had to reset the firmware, because IT REFUSED TO FUCKING CHARGE after it turned off because of low battery...

    Turns out it was because it has internal memory for configs, so the stuff you can do with their app (ofcorse, because having a bluetooth audio sink is not enough) gets friggin saved. When they break, it soft bricks the firmware.
  • 1
    Seems like we had a sudden radio burst last night. Cutting all devices' signals at the same time.
    Luckily we also got burglars circulating the county. Yay!
    Countermeasures taken. Always appreciate your recommendations! Thanks.
  • 2
    @scor what? What burst? What burglars? What countermeasures?

    what? :D
  • 4
    @scor I don't know how your post relates to anything but it's quite well known that burglars use wifi jammers to mess up wireless cameras. Some security systems make an alert when such a jammer is detected.
  • 3
    What an adventure. Your life is more interesting than mine.
  • 2
    Beep beep @netikras. A random electronic device. Like
    This : @electrineer
  • 2
    Your story reminded me of this little bugger:

  • 1
    @arcadesdude good idea! 😁
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