
Tailwind css offers a premium package where you have to pay $300 for access to their tailwind styling components. And even additional $150 and $150 and $150 packages depending if your app is for ecommerce application ui or marketing etc.


While in Angular Google has provided 100% FREE MATERIAL DESIGN UI COMPONENTS


  • 16
    Angular is about as garbage as you can get.

    Over complicated, bloated, piece of shit.

    Use jQuery instead.
  • 2
  • 2
    @sariel idk, angular is the lesser evil for me. We have a compatible dev-feng-shui.
  • 2
    @b2plane They have paid components, yes. You're referring to tailwindui. There's also https://headlessui.com/ , they're free and more minimal.

    Honestly, tailwindUI is overkill most of the time. And I'm sure there are free alternatives.

    For example https://creative-tim.com/product/...
  • 3
    Here is the shit list from the tech discussed so far IMO

    1. jQuery - top of the shit list. there’s literally no reason to use this anymore. I used to think it was cool, but that was like 10 fucking years ago.
    2 Tailwind - Goes against everything what CSS and HTML was made for - absolute dogshit
    3. Angular - only tops react bc it’s bloated and weird to customize
    4. Vue - slightly more confusing and less flexible than react
    5. React - least Shitty bc you can do whatever you want with it, but still kind of shitty bc it’s a framework.
  • 4
    @phat-lasagna jquery is still great for its selectors, and a great helper library if you're writing some domain specific framework or functionality.

    Not everyone has the will or the need to dive into all this bloated javascript neo-frontend fuckery
  • 2
    @tHe-jAsE I like jQuery:(
  • 0
    So other than something that automatically builds a real ui why use any of this shit ?
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    jQuery is good for data scraping
  • 0
    @hippolyte I don’t see how jquery is any better than modern JavaScript with its selector abilities. I want to you to provide a specific instance where jquery has any advantage over vanilla JavaScript and CSS
  • 5
    I love all the hate jQuery gets while people keep crawling up the next new big JS frameworks gaping asshole.

    Remind me again, how many compiler errors does jQuery throw?

    How many sites still use jQuery?

    Next time you're on your favorite JS website written with FyukJS drop into a console and execute jQuery.

    Anyone who says that jQuery is old and useless is too young and naive to remember how we used to make http requests with pure JS. Before ajax was even a fucking inkblot on a napkin.

    XMLHttpRequest! What a fucking nightmare that was.

    If it wasn't for jQuery there wouldn't be any nodejs.

    No jQuery, no Angular.

    No jQuery, java applets would still be a thing.

    No jQuery, flash would still be a thing.

    Face it JS noobs, you owe your existence to jQuery, show some fucking respect.
  • 1
    @phat-lasagna this garbage vs the jQuery way.

    jQuery.document.find("#id .class element[with^=attribute-]")
  • 0
    @phat-lasagna @sariel no ones talking about jquery here angular also doesnt support jquery so whats ur point
  • 2
    @sariel this is going to blow your mind old man, but you can do literally the same thing with querySelector() - i.e.:

    - document.querySelector(‘#id .class element[with^=attribute-]’)

    And also, uhh why do u use find()? I mean I get that it can be negligibly faster in some scenarios but like…Why? Lol

    Also, I get that jQuery was a big deal back in your age where the previous tech involved banging stones together. All jokes aside, I have worked with jQuery for the past ten years, but we have new systems and stuff now. Although jQuery had its hay day and was legendary when it came out, it’s really of no use anymore. Like the fetch api is a lot better than Ajax IMO.
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    @b2plane go shit somewhere else
  • 0
    @phat-lasagna i already took a shit 7 times today!
  • 2
    Kind of right, but not really.

    First of all what you're referring to is Tailwind UI, a repository of pre built components using Tailwind CSS. Note that Tailwind CSS is a design token library so to speak, not a component library.

    Secondly, a few of components they provide are available for free and can be used as a base for a lot of other components.

    And finally, that's a lifetime purchase that you can use on any number of projects and that goes to the maintainers and enables them to continue the work they do.

    I think it's totally fair.
  • 1
    @tHe-jAsE that it stylizes a way of literally querying the Dom and adds standard ui model style shortcuts to animation
    I think it's a nice shortcut framework that does what it's supposed to

    I didn't used to like it
    Like electron I like because after I inject jQuery into a loaded page I can automate scraping and download
  • 2
    Wait. Why is the last sentence talk about React/Vue suddenly? You can use any other CSS framework with them. You are not stuck with Tailwind. You can even go ahead and write the CSS yourself, like in the old times.
  • 0
    @phat-lasagna you can easily store a jquery object coming from a selector, and keep calling all matching elements through the same object, instead of dealing with arrays or things like that. There's also an improvement of readability: “ document.querySelector('#btn').classList.remove('hidden'); ” => “ $('#btn').removeClass('hidden') ”.

    In general you're right, now we have fetch and async/await for example, which tend to make jquery useless for AJA(H/X/J), one of its great functionalities before. I tend to prefer vanilla JS nowadays.
  • 1
    @sariel jQuery had it’s day and perhaps a lot of current frameworks wouldn’t exist if jQuery hadn’t been around first. But is that a reason to keep on using it?
    It’s like saying we need to go back to driving Ford T because current cars wouldn’t be around without it
  • 1
    @red-knot The model T isn't just old, it's antiquated. It holds no more value other than as a collectable.

    jQuery does hold value still. It's a lightweight JavaScript framework that doesn't require a compiler or a special development environment. You can include it from a CDN directly in your browser and test it from the local browser console. It's already HTML5 compliant, and with other plugins can introduce features such as canvas.

    It's a beautiful, simplistic, easy to access framework that just does EXACTLY what it was designed for.

    How many of these new edgelord JavaScript frameworks can say that?

    Imagine trying to sell a complete application frontend rewrite to a business with an app that's 15 years old but just wants to introduce some new user experience workflows to their existing form submissions. 😂
  • 1
    @sariel I knew my statement was a bit of a stretch. You have some valid points. And the fact that so many websites still rely on it pleads in favor of this library.
    I also think jQuery is still around because it’s too costly to migrate to anything better.
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