
TIL that “Mozilla” is an acronym for “Mosaic Killa”. There once was an ancient browser called Mosaic.

  • 3
    There is no Z there, though.
  • 8
    This isn't how old I expected to feel today.
  • 2
    @sariel Ooh iron man!
  • 3
    @aviophile no but its a word play, mozilla killer, godzilla ;)

    It was the internal name for netscape and when they gave up and open sourced the code the project was named mozilla.

    Started using it when it was versioned milestone 16 :) switched to phoenix when they released it before it was renamed firefox after the Phoenix technology company that made bioses among other things complained.

    Been using it ever since :)
  • 0
    “Billionaires hate kiki”
  • 0
    Just randomly gotta recommend the show "Halt and catch fire", as they have some kinda semi-reality related browser wars going on in the later seasons (after starting out with a semi-reality related hardware war in the earlier seasons)
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