
ahhh for that earlier time period where engineers didn't bother testing their designs so they could constantly role out the next model in a an endless wave of greed and cruelty while selling their children's body parts to disgusting perverse strangers with every bit of overstock sold and third world countries had their populations poisoned and our own society was left in a state of constant questioning about their own future and health even though none of this was exactly necessary..

oh wait... heh

and then they started burning landfills.


  • 4
    ✅ Reminiscing about the past
    ✅ Topic based on greed or cruelty
    ✅ Topic based in something in IT that is no longer done
    ✅ Pedophilia

    Yup, this is a quality post by AvatarOfKaine!
  • 1
    @sariel actually i wasn't reminiscening exactly I was commenting on how a bunch of fucked up shit was being concealed by humor, moreso than what was being suggested and comparing it to the present where its just not concealed and everything sucks even more.
  • 1
    @sariel but thanks for reminding me you took the time to make that last time.
  • 1
    @sariel you know i often feel that I am speaking to at most about 4 people one here anymore :P
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