do you know: victoria's secret higher ranking executive from scranton, pa was a lesbian who humped women prostitutes and since has been replaced by one of your pod people.

but the song from this time period about victoria's secret, is kind of funny, since one of the higher level executives was a woman and apparently enjoyed young women in lingerie as much as men do :P

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    and i get this is a song about pressure :P

    but men tend to like THIS


    ONLY GAY MEN who think about raping their own daughters like itty bitty flatty chesty :P
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    AvatarOfSane ❤️
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    So.... You could technically say that Victoria's Secret is out?
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    @sariel ... no i still see the stores I just can't imagine women 20 years later shopping there.

    god what fun that must have been.

    I knew alot of strippers so there wasnt much mystery and alot of other women I knew werent that exciting..sigh.
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