Hey DevRanters,

What made you stop putting in 100% effort at work ?

  • 15
    I never started.
  • 2
  • 9
    The moment my senior started to not give a shit about his work. Now I do not bother or spend time on 'his work'. Just doing my own stuff that I am supposed to do and watch the rest burn...
  • 10
    When I realised that the bosses didn't care, or understand enough about why I was needed, so they started giving me other stuff to do. Dev work became a second priority to IT support stuff to save them money.

    Ah well, the company's gone now.
  • 10
    I don't think I ever did. Work was never "everything" for me. It's just something that's sometimes fun, that I have to do to earn money which I apparently need to live in this world :)
  • 4
    @Grumm The problems start when management sees that the senior’s stuff burns and yours does not. Then you get your work and the senior’s work. Matter of time.
  • 11
    When I realize people won’t reward you long term for putting in more work
  • 4
    Slave salary
  • 4
    Becoming an anarchosyndycalist. Put only as much work as they pay you for, that is as little as possible.
  • 2
    Corporate concrete thinking - this is how it’s always worked. How well do it forever
  • 4
    @TheEnd Trust me, the boss knows it. The day that happens, I am out.

    It first, I helped the poor soul... over time, I did all his work too. Fixing all his mistakes. Yet he told the others he fixed it... One day, I said stop.

    The senior still has 1 years until retirement. I made it clear that he has 1 year to fix his shit. If he cannot do at least that, I am out.
  • 1
    @bigmonsterlover Tell me you're a corporate simp without telling me ur a corporate simp.

    Get real buddy.The day corporate screws you over will be the day u will understand why devs do the thing that they do.
  • 1
    @bigmonsterlover Ahh ... My mistake then. You could have written it better u know.
    It came across as condescending when I read it.
  • 5
    Many possible factors, some mentioned here.

    To sum up a few examples:

    - first company: mismanagement, especially miscommunication and then putting the burden on the *devs* instead of admitting fault... Put in my resignation after being fooled twice (limbo of promising to be better, then pulling the same crap again)

    - second company: kinda being "exiled", projects suffered heavily from deprecation, my solution to not go from ancient to modern was used against me

    - ancient as in stone age, every project had its own framework with php 4 roots that was "dirty" migrated to PHP 5.3...
    dirty in sense of "doing only the minimum effort job so it can run with thousands of notices"

    - modern would be symfony framework

    - i explained in great detail why it would be far better to first get a common ground in *all* projects, before migrating to symfony - so we wouldn't need to port each project on its own to symfony and end up doing N times the work

    - management hated that decision, as it - of courses - took a long time, so I ended up being shunned and only got the worst clients with the worst projects while still being tasked with the dreaded migration to common ground.

    The ultimate hint one should run aways as quick as possible.

    - third company: i got assigned despite my explicit wish and against my working contracts to things I absolutely didn't want to do… so fuck you. :)

    - fifth company: hierarchy. I hate being a drone that gets jobs assigned without any participation in decision making. It's bad when you have to program sth which will end up in a full desaster without the ability to stop it...

    The rest of the companies: boredom.

    I hate doing the same shit over and over again. Reproductive tasks are my nemesis.
  • 3
    i never really put 100% in anything, but my percentage goes down when i work with unreasonable, incompetent, malicious people
  • 5
    I've never put 100% effort on my work. I seem to keep up with expectations if I give my 10%. Over that I keep getting mentions that I work fast and that seems to generate issue with tasking. And ofc I want more chill time. And more importantly *need* more chill time. #superfocusautisticbrainsometimesworks
  • 3
    I will happly put in 100% efford if some conditions are met. Mostly stuff like 'i know wtf am I supposed to do, no bullshit arbitrary limits 'oH uSe TeCh XyZ' (there are legitmite ones based on long term plans of software), single concurrent task, frontend that knows his shit and wont bother me with bullshit of his makong. Just tell me what you need, give me time and peace and you will get exactly what you asked for, faster than you expected, basically.

    Recently i had a client who was like small company that needed to glue together 2 small invocing apis with minor transformations on as low budget as it gets. He paid for few hours of work, he got few hours of my work, but trust me, he got every single minute out of these few hours. The guy was just pure pleasure to work with. What a rare gem...
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