
I will use whatever gets the most hate, religiously. You all hate Apple? I will use Apple everything. You hate JavaScript? I will write everything in JavaScript. You hate Safari? I will use Safari as my main browser.

As long as I'm the unique antithesis to your mediocre thesis, we get healthy synthesis, and the world remains balanced.

  • 13
    i absolutely HATE people who give me all their money.

    check and mate.
  • 0
    This is the only right way to live, I hate, hate, hate people who make decisions in any other way.
  • 3
    @kiki thank you for taking up the masochistic sub role in life. I look forward to the entertainment of your self-inflicted mental agony that will be inevitable from this choice you've made.

    I still like you and your very interesting/informative posts and support you wholeheartedly through the rough times you (may/may not)have. So keep that up.
  • 2
    Makes sense. My favorite word is Bouba
  • 0
    So you write PHP and Perl with Eclipse? How did you manage to get windows updates on an apple PC? And you listen to Nickelback 24/7?
  • 1
    @electrineer I listen to stuff both you and nickelback fans will hate
  • 2
    As an only slightly sadistic person i have to assure you, that the Apple iPhone is the worst and that you seriously can't use only Apple software to write whole applications on it. Also, every eco system is better than Apple iOS. Making a living only writing iOS apps sucks real hard.
  • 0
    I am indifferent to both hate and attempts to be counter culture.

    I optimize for me and me alone.
  • 0
    Hello fellow chaos demon.

    Welcome to the game 😉
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