Stairway to hell...

  • 3
    Just normal output of a code monkey which tried to come up with original code.

    They often can script their way to some solution - but it certainly wouldn't be an elegant one...
  • 0
    Surely there are libraries that already exist that can process css rules like this.
  • 3
    You are manually parsing html, and thus, 101% chance of doing it wrong.

    DOMParser the motherfucker, no need for libraries.
  • 2
  • 2
    As in... wtf are they doing ? Lol
  • 1
    My eyes just melted out of my head. Thanks OP.
  • 1
    Oh yeah remember this they're regexing localized urls for some reason
  • 0
    Is.... is that c??
  • 0
    No. Js. You told me.
  • 1
    Was gonna post that if you thought that was bad, you shoulda see an example of callback hell.

    Then I clicked the image.
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