
git commit -m "My 7 days of psychological torture mental breakdowns and suffering ends... now"

  • 6
    Your CI needs to do the things whenever that file changes.
  • 1
    @Oktokolo how can i do it locally?
  • 2
    @b2plane Run the relevant parts of the CI pipeline locally. Configure that as an external tool in your IDE, so you can do the full container build and unit tests on demand before committing and can still run and debug the code directly while developing.

    It is a good idea in general to replicate the final deployment and execution environment locally as much as feasible as that will make bugs only happening on the staging or live systems less likely - and no one likes debugging on the staging or live systems.
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    P.S.: CI pipelines are code too. They have to be maintained like everything else. You don't want to do that live either. So that is another benefit of a locally replicated staging/live (they should both as similar as possible to each other) environment. If you see multiple commits related to the CI pipeline which have comments like "hope it works now" or "next try" - that is a clear sign, that devops is lacking that basic insight.
  • 2
    Of fucking course, Next.js is by far the worst JS thing I've encountered. Imagine all the dead-on-arrival deal breaking BS of React, times three. If my only two options were PHP and Next.js, I would use PHP.

    It took me six years to learn to appreciate simple, elegant solutions. I never used a framework since. I just do some architecture work, and then modify DOM directly. Got way less onboarding time per engineer, less tech debt and less SLOC.
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    @kiki react themselves recently recommended using nextjs 3.x.x
  • 0
    @kiki also you would be shocked how many projects and jobs use and require the fucking nextjs. One of the most important libraries built that do exactly what i need -- only support nextjs
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    @b2plane ditching frameworks was almost the first thing I did when I got the power to decide the stack. But I empathize with people who don't have a choice but to live in this madness of working with the technology they hate, looking at tech debt rising rapidly and company going to shit, without any power to change that. Especially if they're like me and just can't work emotionally detached.
  • 0
    Glad you found sanity!
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