First we had this stupid Hoverboards.

Now we have god damn fidget spinners. Every Idiot got one.

Now there's fucking Fidgets Spinners with LED.

Will the next fucking Cancer be a IDE with RGB flashing Code, animations and this shit is coming form coding Noob Hipsters and script Kiddies, who wanna be cool???

Kid from the future: Yo Bro lets configure our LED Fidget Spinner with this premade software and call it coding. We will be cool hackers.

  • 4
    Lol I think people in this dumb a$$ generation don't even want to learn how to code only what what's trending that's why theirs people in China who make it and transport it here and like jake Paul made millions for his retarded a§§ Song its everyday bro so this world is garbage
  • 2
  • 1
    @poster983 lol what is that for?
  • 0
    One spinner to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them 👏
  • 0
    IDE with flashing code is already there with intellij/pycharm
  • 0
    They make LED ones now?
    * places order *
  • 2
    @sam21s This world is dead to me. I'm going to Mars 👨‍🚀
  • 1
    @MoboTheHobo I died when I saw that 😅
  • 1
    @programmingTrtl at least I know my future job is secured. 😄
  • 2
    While I am as annoyed by them as you are about them I really think we weren't different. Pokemon trading cards (basically any trading cards) were so hot when I was in primary school. My parents wouldn't buy me any and that made me really angry back then but really thankfull now. Both those things, other stupid toys we had back then and fidget spinners are stupid/easy ideas people make millions from and basically collect all childrens allowance. Peer pressure is a very powerfull marketing tool. I am equally angry and amazed by this.
  • 0
    @programmingTrtl your comment reminded me of this.
  • 1
    @SlyCoopers yea Jake Paul is cancer
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