Ok, rant incoming.
Dates. Frigging dates. Apparently we as a species are so bloody incompetent we cannot even decide on a one format for how to write today. No, instead we have one for every language and framework, because every moron thinks they know better how to write the date. All of them equivalent and all of them different enough to make me start lactating out of frustration trying to parse this garbage... And when you finally manage to parse it on one platform it turns out that your ORM just decided to use the less common version of the date, and have fun converting one to the other. I hope that ever time someone comes up with a new date format will be hit in a face with a red hot frying pan untill they give up programming in favour of growing cactuses.

  • 5
    Howdy! 🤠 Welcome to devRant! Have your first ++. ISO 8601. 😊
  • 1
    Thank you for this rant.
  • 0
  • 1
    @iAmNaN ISO format is not so standard.
    There are both
    2017-06-20 20:34:12.3424+0100

    So ... good luck!
  • 3
    All I ever wanted was star trek stardates
  • 0
    Throw in gmt and have a blast.
  • 2
    @maltedMilk I completely agree
  • 0
    @tvel welcome to devRant.
  • 0
    @AL1L welcome to devRant. Have your first ++.
  • 3
    @maltedMilk the military does day-month-year and the 24 hour clock; the rest are just messed up. We need to adopt the metric system, too. It would make life much simpler.
  • 1
    Personally, I think the switch to POSIX would simplify everything.
  • 1
    @tvel I recently learned that the star dates encoded time of writing of the script, who knew? I thought it was random
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