Please help me🥲
Facing problem in Kali Linux

  • 0
    Fresh install?
  • 6
    yum not found, did you mean rum 🥃?
  • 2
    Run service apache2 start first

    OP is 16 and starting. Be supportive
  • 2
    If this was SO...

    But WTF are you tring to do? Install a web server on Kali? Why? what is your goal?
  • 4
    @retoor It literary says "Try: apt install". Getting that message upon doing "yum install" should be a pretty strong hint as to what's going on.
  • 1
    @utkarshpankaj5, the only way you are going to learn this is by reading the error messages posted on your screen as @hitko mentioned above
  • 0
    @hitko I'm talking about last line because he doesn't need to install httpd because he has apache2 already. I think it would've said unknown service if apache2 wasn't installed
  • 10
    Did somebody say rum?
  • 2
    Try to read what the prompt is telling you.
  • 2
    That shot on oneplus in the corner, how the f. I would be mad if my phone did that to photo's
  • -1
    My brother in christ, translate the following phrase "Wer lesen kann ist klar im Vorteil".

    Fucking hell it literally tells you what to try. Kali is based on debian and debian has the <...> Package manager.
    Downfall of intelligent life on earth.
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