
CyberPatriot has me completely dedicated to Ubuntu... Just switched over for the hell of it.

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    What is CyberPatriot?
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    @qbasic16 it's a cyber defense team at my school :)
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    @s3id0n Great thing!
    I can recommend you watching the DevCon videos on their official youtube channel. They have great talks and lots of technical details! 😉

    there is also the channel of Chaos Computer Club (Germany, they have lots of stuff in english from their yearly conference)
    Congress of 2016: Search for 33c3 😉
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    @qbasic16 Is there any specific youtube channel you'd recommend?
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    @s3id0n For IT security stuff I only currently watch the channel of CCC:
    https://youtube.com/user/... (afaik only the congresses are in english, they are open for everyone to go, but sadly I have not been)

    or the DEFCON channel:

    It's really interresting, what these people have to tell and all the technical stuff.
    If you have time and money, you should totally go to DEFCON some time 😉
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