"excellence" is the greatest trap to leave you miserable. i wish i just didn't care about quality and meaning in my work, i think I'd be happier

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    knowing ur work sux or full of bugs ( waiting to be found ) is not leading to happiness... u can lose ur sleep though ;)
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    I've been on both sides of this. There is no winner. Just which flavour would you like your misery?
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    @We3D the point was to not care about quality
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    @electrineer still doesn't get it how leaving a mess behind you ( with full awareness that you may be the one working there after 5-6 months ) will make one happier...
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    @We3D if you leave the same mess behind anyway, you're happier if you don't care about it.
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    @electrineer valid point, but what if u know better? how to switch to the mentality of not giving a fuck if u do it the dirty fast way
  • 3
    @We3D Simple.

    Don't do it the "dirty" way

    Don't do it the "excellent" way

    Do it the way that you can achieve what you need with the bare minimum AND having in mind that you will have to come back to this to improve/extend the mechanism (make it more "excellent")

    fast != messy.

    Fast can be rigid (hardcoded). Fast can be well abstracted/abstractable (maintaining SRP). But if it's messy, then it is not fast.

    Make it work, make it based on SRP, don't do the "it would be nice if" and "we'll need that after <...>" parts
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