If you've ever contemplated suicide, Microsoft is there to help.

  • 6
    Opera just owns all of these borowsers,

    But chrome gmail sync and chrome apps are so sexy we are forced to use it
  • 2
    I installed Opera today out of curiosity and it is very nice to use, I don't know how efficient the battery saver is but I will figure that out in the next few days, it's also cool that Adblock is built in.
  • 4
    @runfrodorun what they are not showing with that Firefox gun is the startup sequence you need to wait 5 seconds before the first shot. 😜
  • 4
    @runfrodorun ah I wish it worked like that you don't use Firefox then? Even on a SSD when I click to open Firefox I must wait a few seconds. Chrome is instant. I wish I could agree with you. Chrome as a Gatling is a bit too much though.
  • 1
    Chrome is an atomic bomb. It does the job but you can't do anything else.
  • 3
    @runfrodorun I hate to say this but Firefox has got worse with age not better! I was a fan, if it vapourised tomorrow I wouldn't bat an eye lid. Maybe it will change to be more like Chrome (we're already half way there). One can only hope.
  • 1
    @runfrodorun you realise the future of Firefox is Chrome you have been paying attention right to these magnificent changes you mention for Firefox are for it to basically become a rebadged Chrome? The transition has been happening for years.

    I let go of those *dreams* if I were you.

    Vivaldi is nice also if you wanted to look for something else.
  • 1
    @runfrodorun ah so you acknowledge that Firefox is WebKit glad you gone away to do some research.

    1 upvote does not mean much it just means that there were 2 confused individuals rather than one. At least you both are now enlightened your original comment looks foolish now.

    You use Firium I'll stick with Chrome dude.

  • 4
    I am not familiar with these contraptions, but I'm up for MS bashing anytime
  • 0
    @runfrodorun that was a typo, I'm well aware it's running on Gecko. I was laughing at Firium. But it's fresh in your head from your recent Googling so you'd know. 😚
  • 0
    @runfrodorun it was your tactical gun and assualt rifle comment I said had 1 upvote also. That was what I was referring to. Shame it does not qoute what you reply to. I skimmed over your first comment.
  • 0
    Brave = Atom bomb?
  • 1
    @mortanius I've got it the other way around haha. Chromium takes about 20 seconds to start up, Firefox about 2-3. Running on an HDD though!
  • 1
    All in good humour, people. Use whatever makes you feel comfortable (except IE. Don't use IE). I have Chrome, Firefox as well as Safari on my OS X, and I use whichever I feel like at the moment.
  • 0
    @runfrodorun they don't need a response I was fishing. Just correcting the context I was speaking in. Firefox is still wank though. 😊
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