Seriously fuck mandatory security questions, these are my options:

What year did you meet your spouse?
I'm single.
What is your favorite book as a child?
I didn't have a favorite book. (and still, don't)
In which city did you meet your spouse?
I'm single
What is the first name of the first person you went to prom with?
Didn't go to prom.
Which state did you first visit (outside of your birth state)?
I've been to about 43 states and can't remember when I started traveling, how the fuck am I supposed to know?
In which city was your spouse born?
Again I'm single.
In which city did your oldest sibling get married?
I don't have any siblings.

C'mon, at least let me create my own question because right now I have no choice but to make up random shit and write it down in LastPass as a note.

  • 29
    I always enter a random word or something and save that somewhere because you can find a creepy amount of info about someone through search engines and social media.
  • 26
    They are just reminding you that you are lonely
  • 4
    42 ist the answer you're looking for.
  • 0
    preach it! I'm glad someone else said this. I'm sick of these and I'm convinced that 5 minutes in a social engineering course makes these entirely futile
  • 1
    @Alt-Grrr Date of burst? Uhm... None..? Doesn't sound very pleasant...
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