Devops here, Devops there ... Stop with this bullshit, less than half of the guys with Devops on their CV truly are Devops.

Same shits for Fullstack or Scrum Master, and I think I know why.

Because recruiters and companies absolutly ignore what it truly is : "Devops ? That's the new name for sysadmin hipster, believe me we're not hiring Sysadmin anymore but Devops now.".

So now they want more and more people with these profiles.
This is just leading everyone to become what they're not.

Please get your facts straight before fucking everything up.

  • 3
    It's a trend nowadays to give positions some kind of fancy name! Another sub-section of euphamisms! Dear @George_Carlin... We miss you!
  • 2
    As a devO.. System dominator, i can relate. This is just word packaging, like 'financial consultant', 'social network expert' , 'temporary companion' ... It's a rehash for accountant, hipster-wannabe-shutin and courtisane..
  • 4
    So.. what is the profile of a real dev ops guy? Been trying to find out for a while now but it seems everyone has a different definition for the term ๐Ÿ˜…
  • 1
    Me... Infront of a client!
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